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Mini Mobile Manipulator

storage for Individual Projects(自主プロ) at UTokyo


general run-through of robot

pick up trash(kind of)


final report for school project(Japanese)


To move the robot(as of Jan.10)

  • make sure to be on the same network as robot(NOT eduroam)
  • For VM Ubuntu, set ROS_MASTER_URI to http://(IP of raspi):11311 inside ~/.bashrc, set robot_ip on moveit_planning_execution.launch to (IP of raspi).
  • roslaunch mmm_control robot.launch on RasPi, which launches roscore, handles communication between Arduino, and audio, and ...
  • roslaunch mmm_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch which starts MoveIt and RVIZ.
  • rosrun image_view image_view image:=/raspicam_node/image _image_transport:=compressed to view camera feed

careful- the MMM currently sources the setup file for the ice-cream catkin_ws!

To Move the robot (for MayFes)

  • make sure to be on same network as robot
  • on the computer (not RasPi), set ROS_MASTER_URI to http://(IP of raspi):11311 inside ~/.bashrc
  1. Run roslaunch mmm_control robot.launchon the robot. This will launch the arduino connection and the camera and QR code&circle tracking nodes.
  2. python 5000 on the PC will let it become a server for the LINE chatbot.
  3. Run python3 the same computer that runs, this will start the LINE chatbot. This will publish stuff to the /command ros topic accordingly to control the robot.
  4. Run roslaunch mayfes (on the robot, if the communication is unstable) to start the actual behavior created for MayFes. This listens in on the /command ROS topic, and takes steps to realize that behavior.
  5. run roslaunch mayfes behavior.launch on the PC.

some tips(??)

I am having a hard time launching the MoveIt! stuff. As suggested on this page, I tried sudo apt install ros-kinetic*. It didn't work, it may be an issue with the eduroam security settings or something. I'm pretty sure the same thing worked at home. Oh well, I deleted all the moveit stuff from my code so it's all right now.