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NYU Courses

Some code from assignments for various classes, including Programming Language, Open Source Tool, Operating System... Just for fun.

Operating System

Memory Management Unit(MMU)

This is to simulate the algorithm to find a victim when a page fault occurs. Algorithm consists of Aging, LRU, NRU, Clock, FIFO, Second Chance, Random.

Process Scheduler

This is to simulate process dispatcher in CPU. Implement algorithm including FIFO, LIFO, SJF, Round-Robin and Priority Queue.

Two-Pass Linker

This is to simulate a linker before loading a program. It need two passes over the code.

Programming Language

Scheme Interpreter

####Overview A mini-interpreter written in scheme, able to interpret itself. ####Files myInterpreter.scm: supports syntaxes including: define, if, cold, let, let*, letrec, quote, apply, and, or

library.scm: contains implementation of non-primitive functions needed in the interpreter

test.scm: sample input to test the interpreter ####Usage Use the following commands in scheme interpreter:

(load "myInterpreter.scm")
(load "myInterpreter.scm")
(load "library.scm")

This will have the interpreter interpret itself. To test the interpreter, use the following commands:

(load "test.scm")

###ML ####Overview Several functions written in ML to show type inference, parametric polymorphism and pattern match features of ML.

###Scala ####Overview Several classes written in ML to show generic type parameters, covariance and contra variance of functions subtyping, covariant/contravariant/invariant of generic types and pattern match.

###Ada ####Overview A multithread version of QuickSort.

##Open Source Tool ###Overview Some usage of Unix commands, grep, sed and awk. Also a question forum written in Shell Script, using local file system as database and works on NYU CIMS machines. A python CGI script wrapping up the shell script provides web service.

###Question Forum Hosted on GAE A Quora like forum written in Python as the final projects for Open Source Tool. Hosted on GAE. Use ndb datastore and Jinja2 templates. Website accessible at here


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