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Demo Django application

This application displays the ranking of all teams in the Bundesliga.

On first startup it pulls all available information from this API: ( ). and stores it in a local Postgres database.

It then periodically (every hour) makes requests to the same API in order to pull any additional match updates that might have ocurred.

Presently it only works with one football season - 2018 but its functionality can be extended.

Demo Set up

In order to run this demo, you need to have docker and docker-compose installed on your machine.

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. run mkdir static in the root folder of the repo.
  3. run docker-compose up -d in the root folder of the repo.

The application will start up in a couple of minutes after it has:

  • pulled all relevant docker images
  • installed all python dependencies

The application will become available on localhost:8000. If you get a 502 response from nginx, pip is probably still installing dependencies.

You can also use the admin console to add new data at localhost:8000/admin using these credentials:

username: superuser

password: very_secure_password

Keep in mind that changes you make might not be immediately visible (there's a 5 minute cache period for team statistics such as wins, losses, points, etc).

Dev Set Up

If you'd like to work on this app, copy the file into fooball_stats/football_stats/ and enter the db credentials.

You also need to have memcached installed and running.

Future improvements

  1. AJAX search bar
  2. Improve search by using Unidecode to convert Fortuna Düsseldorf to Fortuna Dusseldorf for easier searching
  3. The background API sync task is configured to run every hour. Ideally, it should run every minute if a match is in progress in order to display up to date info.
  4. Actually store the team images locally.
  5. Proper production logging and monitoring
  6. The background data sync job should ideally be in a separate container.

Copy paste database cleanup if needed

delete from teams_team;
delete from matches_location;
delete from matches_match;
delete from matches_goal;
delete from matches_outcome;
delete from matches_matchday_metadata;


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