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JavaScript/TypeScript client library for Kubernetes which works with both browsers and Node.js.

This library is especially useful if your web server and Kubernetes API server are integrated with OIDC single sign-on.

cross-kube uses WHATWG Fetch and Streams to communicate with Kubernetes API. You need polyfills to support legacy browsers (see the later section this doc).

The following libraries are used internally:


cross-kube is still in alpha stage and has not been published yet.


Importing Models/APIs

cross-kube provides only ES modules which will normally be processed by bundlers (Webpack, Rollup.js, etc.) or TypeScript compiler (tsc). If you would like to import cross-kube directly from browsers or Node.js, edit rollup.config.ts to generate a UMD or CJS bundle by executing yarn build manually.

cross-kube provides individual model and API modules under lib/ directory. They can be imported as:

import V1Pod from 'cross-kube/lib/models/V1Pod'
import { createNamespace } from 'cross-kube/lib/apis/CoreV1Api'

Other common types and classes can be imported from the top module:

import { RequestOpts, ApiResponse } from 'cross-kube'


Install cross-kube from the Git repo:

npm install git://

(After cross-kube is published, it will be npm install cross-kube.)

You also need the following libraries:

Example Code in TypeScript

List all pods

import { listNamespacedPod } from 'cross-kube/lib/apis/CoreV1Api'

const reqOpts = { basePath: 'http://localhost:4000' }

listNamespacedPod({ namespace: 'default' }, reqOpts).then(podList => {

Watch all pods

Watch methods receives HTTP 1.1 chunks from Kubernetes API and invoke a callback function for each event.

import { watchListNamespacedPod } from 'cross-kube/lib/apis/CoreV1Api'
// import AbortController from 'abort-controller' // Node.js requires this

const reqOpts = { basePath: 'http://localhost:4000' }
const ac = new AbortController()

// Receive events until receiving an abort signal or server-side timeout
watchListNamespacedPod({ namespace: 'default' }, event => {
}, reqOpts, { signal: ac.signal }).then(() => ({}))

// Abort after 10 seconds
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000)

Create a namespace

import V1Namespace from 'cross-kube/lib/models/V1Namespace'
import { createNamespace } from 'cross-kube/lib/apis/CoreV1Api'

const reqOpts = { basePath: 'http://localhost:4000' }

const namespace: V1Namespace = {
  metadata: {
    name: 'test'
createNamespace({ body: namespace }, reqOpts).then((res => {
  console.log('Created namespace', res)
}, reqOpts)


Browsers must have TextEncoder and ReadableStream to use this library. You need polyfills to support legacy browsers.

Here is an example code injecting fast-text-encoding and web-streams-polyfill using loadjs.

import loadjs from 'loadjs'

async injectPolyfills() => {
  if (!('TextEncoder' in window)) {
    console.log('Loading fast-text-encoding')
    await loadjs('fast-text-encoding.js', {
      returnPromise: true
  if (!('ReadableStream' in window)) {
    console.log('Loading web-streams-polyfill')
    await loadjs('web-streams-polyfill.js', {
      returnPromise: true

// call the above function from your code

Using YAML Templates

yaml-nunjucks-loader makes available to import YAML template files into a JavaScript file.

Here is an example.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: {{ name }}
    - name: ubuntu
      image: ubuntu:trusty
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      command: ['sleep']
      args: ['{{ sleep }}']

TypeScript code:

import V1Pod from 'cross-kube/lib/models/V1Pod'
import { createNamespacedPod } from 'cross-kube/lib/apis/CoreV1Api'
import podTemplate from './pod.yaml'

const reqOpts = { basePath: 'http://localhost:4000' }

const pod = podTemplate({ name: 'example', sleep: 600 }) as V1Pod
createNamespacedPod({ namespace: 'default', body: pod }, reqOpts).then(pod => {
  console.log('done', pod)


Currently cross-kube does not support authentication and loading Kubernetes configuration.

To use cross-kube in front-end, you need a Kubernetes API server which accepts HTTP requests without exchanging authentication data. Launching a proxy (kubectl proxy -p 4000) is the easiest way to test cross-kube for now.

This problem will be solved in the future.



This software includes the work that is distributed in the Apache License 2.0


We are preparing a CLA(Contributor License Agreement). So, we can not accept Pull request now.


JavaScript/TypeScript client library for Kubernetes







No releases published


No packages published
