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Agent-stats Utils

Handy utilities for managing an ingress agent-stats group.

Setting up

"Easy" instructions for getting started on ubuntu 14.04 are now on the wiki. ###Reqirements

  • python3.4+
  • mysql server

Clone this repo.
(Optional. phantomjs is only needed if you are monitoring for pending agents)
Get phantomjs the 2.0 version is a steaming pile of crap, get the 1.9.8 version. Throw it in the same dir as the other checked out files, or change the code in that looks like this

    driver = webdriver.PhantomJS('./phantomjs', service_args=['--cookies-file=cookies.txt'])

to point to the path where you installed phantomjs.
Create database from schema.sql (This is destructive to existing tables. Do NOT run on an existing setup with data you don't want to lose.)
Copy to and change the settings and credentials in there to real values. Get yourself an API key and put it in .
Then create a virtualenv, activate it and install the requirements:

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use

python snarf

You can operate on a group with the -g option (group names are case sensitive). If -g is left out, it will either do all groups or error out. Whatever works. Any command that has text output can have that output redirected to email with the -m option. If you are redirecting to email, you can set a custom subject with -s. Default subject is the command name + the group name.

Sometimes you find yourself needing to change how many ranks make it into the charts. By default this is 10 but you can change it to whatever with the -n option.

Once you get a feel for what this script does, you may want to set it up to run with crontab, or something similar.

First time phantomjs is run (only needed for custom range now) it will ask you to log in to your google account. The script just takes what you enter and passes it to phantomjs where a google login page is open (headless). It also stores a cookie so you don't have to login every time.



If you suspect your cookie file has leaked, you need to hop into gmail and force sign out all your other sessions.



Scrape the data. If a new group is encountered, its gets added. If a new agent is encountered, they get added. If an agent joins or leaves a group, that gets handled. If an agent changes their name, sucks to be them, they are treated like a new agent. Some stat validation is carried out (see below) and if the sanity check fails, the row is flagged and not used for computing dings. Outputs a list of added/removed agents and flagged stats.


Solves a common problem where agents apply to join a group and no one notices for weeks. If you have a star (mod or admin) you are able to see pending agents. This command outputs the list of pending agents. No effort is made to avoid sending a name again if it was ignored. i.e. If you don't take care of a pending user one way or another you will keep getting spammed about them.


Typically not used stand alone. Gets all the badge dings that happened between each agent's most recent data point and their most recent data point over 7 days old. Searches across all groups, unless passed a specific group.


This is the main reason all this was written. Grabs the weekly (or monthly, etc.) page for your group and extracts the top N agents for each category. Ties for Nth place are all included. Also includes a ding summary for the week or month (see above: summary). Formats everything with G+ markup so it looks decent when you post to G+.


Compares the group names from the database to the names online. If a name has changed, you are offered the opportunity to update it. You will need to update the names in crontab manually after you update the database names.

Custom stats

You can invent your own stats. Look in to see how. Save as when ready.

Stat validation

Often stats get screwed up. Usually because botched the OCR. If any of the following conditions are not true, the stat is considered suspect:

    date >= game_start
    today >= date
    connector >= mind_controller/2
    hacker+builder+engineer+connector >= explorer
    explorer >= pioneer
    builder >= liberator
    liberator >= pioneer
    disruptor >= salvator/2
    purifier >= disruptor
    purifier >= neutralizer
    hacker >= translator/15

Also, minimum level is calculated based on knowable badges and ap. In addition, minimum AP is calculated by the following formula (good luck teasing this monstrosity apart):

    min_ap = liberator*125 + min(-(-max(0,(builder-liberator*8))/7)*65, -(-max(0,(builder-liberator*8))/8)*125) + connector*313 + mind_controller*1250 + liberator*500 + engineer*125 + purifier*75 + recharger/15000*10 + disruptor*187 + salvator*750

reported_ap - min_ap is then expected to always be increasing. If it is not, then flag. Keep an eye on this last one, it's possible that it might come out huge one time and then all subsequent stats will be flagged. If this happens, please find the user in the agents table and adjust the apdiff column manually. (learn some SQL, you lazy bum) (While this was fun to work out, it doesn't really provide a very good signal. Far too much noise. So I cut it out)


Tools to help with running an agent-stats group






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