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TxRest provides a suite of Resources to implement Restful apis in Twisted.

The api is implemented by exposing custom Resource() classes. Rest-Resources behave almost identical to Twisteds resource.Resource() classes.

The major difference is we support returning a deferred and you use the methods rest_GET, rest_POST... instead of render_GET and render_POST.


install from PyPI:

sudo pip install txrest

Directly from github (newest):

sudo pip install git+


The only dependency required by txrest is twisted. If you do not want Twisted installed from pip you can install txrest without dependencies using:

pip install txrest --no-deps

Restful JSON

To implement a restful JSON client we'll be using the txrest.json.JsonResource class.

Quickstart (Simple):

from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.web import server
from txrest.json import JsonResource

class MyJsonResource(JsonResource):
    isLeaf = True

    def rest(self, request, post=None):
        # For all Methods return hello world JSON
        return {"hello": "world"}

site = server.Site(MyJsonResource())
reactor.listenTCP(8080, site)

Quickstart (GET):

import sys, time
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, task
from twisted.web import server
from twisted.python import log
from txrest.json import JsonResource

class MyJsonResource(JsonResource):
    isLeaf = True

    def rest_GET(self, request):
        _ = yield task.deferLater(reactor, 1, log.msg, 'the wait is over!')
        defer.returnValue({"hello": "world %s" % time.time()})

site = server.Site(MyJsonResource())
reactor.listenTCP(8080, site)

Quickstart (POST):

import sys, time
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, task
from twisted.web import server
from twisted.python import log
from txrest.json import JsonResource

class MyJsonResource(JsonResource):
    isLeaf = True

    def rest_POST(self, request, post):
        # post will be a dictionary or a list
        post['hello'] = 'world'
        _ = yield task.deferLater(reactor, 1, log.msg, 'the wait is over!')
        defer.returnValue(post)  # return the contents of what we posted.

site = server.Site(MyJsonResource())
reactor.listenTCP(8080, site)

Standard vs TxRest Comparison

This is a comparison of the standard way, vs our way...

The goal is to return the contents of in a JSON response object.

Standard Way:

class NormalDeferred(resource.Resource):
    isLeaf = True

    def render_GET(self, request):

        def fail(failure):
            request.write('we failed %s' % failure)

        def return_body(body):
            """Called when we have a full response"""
            response = {'web-request': body}
            response = json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf-8').encode('utf-8')

        def get_body(result):
            # now that we have the body, 
            # we can return the result, using ready body
            # which is also an async operation.
            d2 = readBody(result) # get the  contents of the page.

        # setup the deferred/callback for the first asynchronous 
        # call...
        agent = Agent(reactor)
        d1 = agent.request('GET', '')

        return server.NOT_DONE_YET

Using TxRest:

class RestDeferred(JsonResource):
    isLeaf = True

    def rest_GET(self, request):
        agent = Agent(reactor)
        result = yield agent.request('GET', '')
        body = yield readBody(result) # get the  contents of the page.
        defer.returnValue({'web-request': str(body)})

Hopefully from the above example it's clear that automating the encoding, and decoding of responses and POST bodies to JSON types offers a fair amount of conveniance.

In addition we support returning resources from the rest_* methods, which means you can return a Resource object as a response.

Handling Errors in your Resource

Twisted has a built in version of an "error page" twisted.web.resource.ErrorPage that sets the http response code for you and formats an error. This page is returned whenever there is an unhandled exception.

Unhandled exceptions will automatically return an error page for you. But it's useful to use this Resource yourself.

In addition to returning an error response, JsonErrorPage will log to twisteds log the error as well. This can be prevented by passing log=False to the constructor, but typically this functionality is useful.

Return 400 Bad Request:

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.web.http import BAD_REQUEST
from twisted.web.client import Agent, readBody
from txrest.json import JsonResource, JsonErrorPage

class RestDeferred(JsonResource):
    isLeaf = True

    def rest_GET(self, request):

        if 'argument' not in request.args:
            return JsonErrorPage(BAD_REQUEST, '`argument` missing', 'additional info')

        agent = Agent(reactor)
        result = yield agent.request('GET', '')
        body = yield readBody(result)
        defer.returnValue({'web-request': str(body)})

Restful XML

The Restful XML API is identical to the JSON api except it expects valid xml via an Element object from any etree compatible xml api. Note that lxml and xml.etree are supported.

Element objects returned from etree.fromstring('<element>value</element>') are supported.

Basic XML Get:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree 
from txrest.xml import XmlResource

class RestBasic(XmlResource):
    return xml from a rest method. (simple)

    def rest_GET(self, request):
        element = etree.Element('example')
        element.attrib['is_example'] = 'True'
        element.text = "Hello World!"
        return element


If you want to modify the way a particular resource you implement handles it's POST bodies or it's responses we have mixins you can use that decorate your Resource class.

Mixins are located in the module txrest.mixins - They can be used with both JsonResource and XmlResource

Here's a basic example that allows us to return non-standard responses, in this case a string instead of an XML object.

from txrest.xml import XmlResource
from txrest.mixin import StringResponse

class StringMixinTest(XmlResource):
    Normally XmlResource() wants us to output an Element()
    object.  By decorating the resource we allow ourselves
    to return a byte string.
    isLeaf = True

    def rest_GET(self, request):
        request.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain')
        return "string response!"


Build JSON or XML Rest Resources in Twisted and Python







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