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django-bingo is a bingo app to play bingo games like "bullshit bingo" while listening together to some radio show and marking the words, which were mentioned.


Install everything from requirements.txt, e.g., with pip install -e requirements.txt.

Additional dependencies for SSE:

  • sse 1.2
  • redis 2.10.3
  • flask 0.10.1
  • gevent 1.0.2

Other: You need a ttf-file as font for the image export.


Create a django project. Then add the following options to your

  • append to INSTALLED_APPS (make sure bingo is included first)
    • 'bingo'
    • 'jquery'
    • 'colorful'
    • 'registration'
  • FONT_PATH = '/path/to/font.ttf'

Include the bingo-app in your project, like this: url(r'^', include('bingo.urls')) Include the registration app like this: url(r'^accounts/', include('registration.backends.simple.urls'))

Registration is only tested with the simple backend. You can use other django-registration backends, but you will need to add additional templates and views.

You can use the Sites framework to add several different Bingo sites. Different Sites have different sets of Words, and they will generate a different set of Games, so the Bingos are independend from each other.


For upgrading from an older version you may need to use migrate, if the database scheme was changed.

When upgrading from versions prior to 1.4, upgrade first using south and django 1.6. Then upgrade to the current version using the django migrations.


required settings

  • Add to the context_processors in the OPTIONS section of the TEMPLATE settings.
  • Add at least one of
    • GAME_HARD_TIMEOUT time after which a game is stopped
    • GAME_SOFT_TIMEOUT time after which a game without any activity is stopped

optional settings



Many minor changes can be done with django-apptemplates. See their documentation for how to add the module to the project.

After installation you can use add additional template folders in DIRS list of the TEMPLATES option in for customizing your installation. this allows for example a list like ["thisbingosite_templates", "bingosites_templates", "default_templates"] for using template folders shared between different sites.

Example for thisbingosite_templates/bingo/main.html:

{% extends "bingo:bingo/base.html %}
{% block extra_content_top %}
    Welcome to my django-bingo game!
    {{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}