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Shared Python code for GOV.UK Notify applications. Standardises how to do logging, rendering message templates, parsing spreadsheets, talking to external services and more.

Setting up

Python version

This repo is written in Python 3.


We use pre-commit to ensure that committed code meets basic standards for formatting, and will make basic fixes for you to save time and aggravation.

Install pre-commit system-wide with, eg brew install pre-commit. Then, install the hooks in this repository with pre-commit install --install-hooks.

To test the library

# install dependencies, etc.
make bootstrap

# run the tests
make test

Publishing a new version

Versioning should be done by running the make version-[type of change] command, following semantic versioning. For example

make version-patch

Include a short summary (sentence or two) about the changes you've made in Please do this even if you're only making a minor or patch version change.