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  1. export PATH=/nfs-7/texlive/2015/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH

  2. cd to slideMaker directory and add it to the path: export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)

I recommend putting these in your .bashrc.

minimal minimal minimal working example

  1. cd project/

  2. python

This will produce test_1.pdf with an example slide for each of the possible slide types, and copy them to your public_html folder

testing working example

Instead of, you could execute This makes it simpler to test things on the fly.


addGlobalOptions options

  • --graphicspaths X: X is a comma separated list of paths for images/plots
  • --makegui: make a GUI if invalid objects are created
  • --makegrid: draw a grid on a slide if invalid objects are created

initSlides options

  • --modernfont: use Helvetica font
  • --themecolor r,g,b: takes RGB values for overall theme color
  • --casual X: only display X as your name on title slide, not full SNT list

addSlide options

  • --drawtype shadowimage: draw images on slide with a shadow
  • --shorttitle X: only applies to title slide. uses a short title for the footer bar
  • --sidebyside: displays text and plot side by side rather than text on top and plot on bottom

addObject options

  • supported object types: text, brace, arrow, line, box, circle
  • --noarrowhead: draw arrow with no arrowhead
  • --rotate X: rotate textbox by X degrees
  • --crayon: draw object with crayon theme (looks sort of like Keynote)
  • --shadow: draw object with shadow
  • --dashed: draw object with dashed lines
  • --flip: flip direction of arrows and braces (reverses opening of braces)

writeSlides options

  • --compile: compile slides (twice, for slide numbers) after writing .tex source (enabled by default)
  • --copy: copy output .pdf file to web directory (default: public_html)
  • --dump: copy to "dump" directory within web directory


  • figure out good algorithm for resizing images so that they don't overlap with text

** see


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