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a lightweight db framework for disease and population genetics.


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gemini - a framework for mining genome variation.


The intent of gemini is to provide a simple, flexible, and powerful framework for exploring genetic variation for disease and population genetics. We aim to leverage the expressive power of SQL while attempting to overcome the fundamental challenges associated with using databases for very large (e.g. 1,000,000 variants times 1,000 samples yields one billion genotypes) datasets.


Gemini is being developed in the Quinlan lab ( at the University of Virginia and is led by Uma Paila. Substantial contributions have also been made by Brad Chapman (@chapmanb), Rory Kirchner (@roryk), and Oliver Hofmann at the Harvard School of Public Health.


If you are okay living dangerously and potentially being disappointed, you can install gemini as follows:

python install

One of the more appealing features in gemini is that it automatically annotates variants in a VCF file with several genome annotations (see below for more details). However, you must first install these data files on your system. It's easy enough --- you just need to run the following script and tell it in which what full path you'd like to install the necessary data files. The recommended path is in /usr/local/share:

gemini/ /usr/local/share/

Lastly, run the test suite to make sure everything is running normally.


Gemini Browser

Currently, the majority of gemini's functionality is available via a command-line interface. However, we are developing a browser-based interface for easier exploration of gemini databases created with the gemini load command.

Ironically, as of now, one must launch said browser from the command line as follows (where my.db should be replaced with the name of the gemini database you would like to explore).

gemini browser my.db

At this point, the gemini browser is running on port 8088 on your local machine. Open a web browser to http://localhost:8088/. You should see something like:

Caveats and Limitations

gemini is currently in an alpha state. The basic functionality that we intend to develop is present, but we may tweak the API and/or restructure the underlying database as needed.

Have a look at this poster to get a high-level sense of what gemini is trying to accomplish.

The first thing we have to do is load an existing VCF file into the gemini framework. We expect you to have annotated the functional consequence of each variant in your VCF using either VEP or snpEff (Note that v3.0+ of snpEff is required to track the amino acid length of each impacted transcript). Logically, the loading step is done with the gemini load command. Below are two examples based on a VCF file that we ingeniously name my.vcf. The first example assumes that the VCF has been pre-annotated with VEP and the second assumes snpEff.

# VEP-annotated VCF
$ gemini load -v my.vcf -t VEP my.db

# snpEff-annotated VCF
$ gemini load -v my.vcf -t snpEff my.db

As each variant is loaded into the gemini database framework, it is being compared against several annotation files that come installed with the software. We have developed an annotation framework that leverages Tabix, BEDTools, and pybedtools to make things easy and fairly performant. The idea is that, by augmenting VCF files with many informative annotations, and converting the information into a sqlite database framework, gemini provides a flexible database-driven API for data exploration, visualization, population genomics and medical genomics. We feel that this ability to integrate variation with the growing wealth of gemome annotations is the most compelling aspect of gemini gemini. Combining this with the ability to explore data with SQL using a database design that can scale to 1000s of individuals (genotypes too!) makes for a tasty data exploration cupcake. Here are some examples of the things you can do.

Ad hoc queries. Return all loss-of-function INDELs.

$ gemini query -q "select * from variants where type = 'indel' and is_lof = 1" my.db

Pre-defined analysis short-cuts. Compute the ratio of transitions to transversions::

$ gemini stats --tstv my.db
transitions	transversions	ts/tv
1,302,778	511,578		2.547

A framework for exploring genetic variation in the context of built-in genome annotations. Return the coordinates, alleles, and clinical significance of all OMIM variants with an alternate allele frequency l.t.e 1%::

$ gemini query -q "select chrom, start, ref, alt, clin_sigs \
                 from variants where in_omim = 1 and aaf < 0.1" my.db

A platform for genomic discovery A simple to use framework for developers to create new tools.

Current annotations that are derived for each variant are listed below. We emphasize that this is a very preliminary list. Using the framework we have developed, it is very easy for us to add new annotations. Therefore, we intend to add many other annotations including: ENCODE regulatory and histone modification tracks, conservation, GWAS analyses, etc.:

  • cyto_band: the chromosome band based on Giemsa staining
  • dbSNP status: is the variant in dbSNP? what are the rsIds?
  • OMIM status
  • Clinical significance
  • RepeatMasker annotations
  • Overlap with CpG Islands
  • Overlap with segmental duplications

Basic workflow

Import a VCF file into the gemini framework. We recommend first annotating your VCF with SnpEff or VEP (other tools may be supported soon). In the process of loading the VCF into the database framework, many other annotations are calculated for each variant and stored for subsequent querying/analysis. Note: If using snpEff, ee currently require VCFs to be annotated with version 3.0 or later.

gemini load -v my.snpEff.vcf -t snpEff my.db

Explore variation using shortcuts. Here are a few brief examples

Compute the transition / transversion ratio:

gemini stats --tstv my.db

Compute the site frequency spectrum:

gemini stats --sfs my.db

Compute the pairwise genetic distance for use with PCA:

gemini stats --mds my.db

Explore variation using custom queries. Here are a few brief examples:

Extract all transitions with a call rate > 95%::

gemini query -q "select * from variants where sub_type = 'ts' and call_rate >= 0.95" my.db

Extract all loss-of-function variants with an alternate allele frequency < 1%:

gemini query -q "select * from variants where is_lof = 1 and aaf >= 0.01" my.db

Extract the nucleotide diversity for each variant:

gemini query -q "select chrom, start, end, pi from variants" my.db

Combine gemini with bedtools to compute nucleotide diversity estimates across 100kb windows:

gemini query -q "select chrom, start, end, pi from variants order by chrom, start, end" my.db | \
bedtools map -a -b - -c 4 -o mean

Queries selecting and filtering upon individual genotypes

The above examples illustrate ad hoc queries that do not request or filter upon the genotypes of individual samples. Since gemini stores the genotype information for each variant in compressed arrays that are stored as BLOBs in the database, standard SQL queries cannot directly access individual genotypes. However, we have enhanced the SQL syntax to support such queries with C "struct-like" access. For example, to retrieve the alleles for a given sample's (in this case, sample 1094PC0009), one would add gts.1094PC0009 to the select statement.

Here is an example of selecting the genotype alleles for four different samples (note the examples below use the test.snpEff.vcf.db file that is created in the ./test directory when you run the sh command as described above)::

gemini query -q "select chrom, start, end, ref, alt, gene, \
                 gts.1094PC0005, \
				 gts.1094PC0009, \                                                
                 gts.1094PC0012, \
				 gts.1094PC0013 \
             from variants" test.snpEff.vcf.db
chr1	30547	30548	T	G	FAM138A	./.	./.	./.	./.
chr1	30859	30860	G	C	FAM138A	G/G	G/G	G/G	G/G
chr1	30866	30869	CCT	C	FAM138A	CCT/CCT	CCT/CCT	CCT/C	CCT/CCT
chr1	30894	30895	T	C	FAM138A	T/C	T/C	T/T	T/T
chr1	30922	30923	G	T	FAM138A	./.	./.	./.	./.
chr1	69269	69270	A	G	OR4F5	./.	./.	G/G	G/G
chr1	69427	69428	T	G	OR4F5	T/T	T/T	T/T	T/T
chr1	69510	69511	A	G	OR4F5	./.	./.	A/G	A/G
chr1	69760	69761	A	T	OR4F5	A/A	A/T	A/A	A/A
chr1	69870	69871	G	A	OR4F5	./.	G/G	G/G	G/G

You can also add a header so that you can keep track of who's who::

gemini query -q "select chrom, start, end, ref, alt, gene,
                 gts.1094PC0005, \
				 gts.1094PC0009, \
                 gts.1094PC0012, \
				 gts.1094PC0013 \
             from variants" \
			 --header \
chrom	start	end	ref	alt	gene gts.1094PC0005	gts.1094PC0009	gts.1094PC0012	gts.1094PC0013
chr1	30547	30548	T	G	FAM138A	./.	./.	./.	./.
chr1	30859	30860	G	C	FAM138A	G/G	G/G	G/G	G/G
chr1	30866	30869	CCT	C	FAM138A	CCT/CCT	CCT/CCT	CCT/C	CCT/CCT
chr1	30894	30895	T	C	FAM138A	T/C	T/C	T/T	T/T
chr1	30922	30923	G	T	FAM138A	./.	./.	./.	./.
chr1	69269	69270	A	G	OR4F5	./.	./.	G/G	G/G
chr1	69427	69428	T	G	OR4F5	T/T	T/T	T/T	T/T
chr1	69510	69511	A	G	OR4F5	./.	./.	A/G	A/G
chr1	69760	69761	A	T	OR4F5	A/A	A/T	A/A	A/A
chr1	69870	69871	G	A	OR4F5	./.	G/G	G/G	G/G

Let's now get the genotype and the depth of aligned sequence observed for a sample so that we can assess the confidence in the genotype::

gemini query -q "select chrom, start, end, ref, alt, gene,
				 gts.1094PC0005, \
				 gt_depths.1094PC0005, \
         	 from variants" test.snpEff.vcf.db
chr1	30547	30548	T	G	FAM138A	./.	-1
chr1	30859	30860	G	C	FAM138A	G/G	7
chr1	30866	30869	CCT	C	FAM138A	CCT/CCT	8
chr1	30894	30895	T	C	FAM138A	T/C	8
chr1	30922	30923	G	T	FAM138A	./.	-1
chr1	69269	69270	A	G	OR4F5	./.	-1
chr1	69427	69428	T	G	OR4F5	T/T	2
chr1	69510	69511	A	G	OR4F5	./.	-1
chr1	69760	69761	A	T	OR4F5	A/A	1
chr1	69870	69871	G	A	OR4F5	./.	-1

Now, we often want to focus only on variants where a given sample has a specific genotype (e.g., looking for homozygous variants in family trios).
Unfortunately, we cannot directly do this in the SQL query, but the gemini query tool has an option called --gt-filter that allows one to specify filters to apply to the returned rows. The rules followed in the --gt-filter option follow Python syntax. As an example, let's only return rows where sample 1094PC0012 is heterozygous. In order to do this, we apply a filter to the gt_types columns for this individual::

gemini query -q "select chrom, start, end, ref, alt, gene,
				 gts.1094PC0005, \
			 	 gts.1094PC0009, \
             	 gts.1094PC0012, \
			 	 gts.1094PC0013 \
         	     from variants" \
		 	  --gt-filter "gt_types.1094PC0012 == HET" \
			  --header \
chrom	start	end	ref	alt	gene gts.1094PC0005	gts.1094PC0009	gts.1094PC0012	gts.1094PC0013
chr1	30866	30869	CCT	C	FAM138A	CCT/CCT	CCT/CCT	CCT/C	CCT/CCT
chr1	69510	69511	A	G	OR4F5	./.	./.	A/G	A/G

Now let's be a bit less restrictive and return variants where either sample 1094PC0012 is heterozygous or sample 1094PC0005 is homozygous for the reference allele::

gemini query -q "select chrom, start, end, ref, alt, gene,
				gts.1094PC0005, \
		 	 	gts.1094PC0009, \
         	 	gts.1094PC0012, \
		 	 	gts.1094PC0013 \
     	    	from variants" \
	 	  	 --gt-filter "gt_types.1094PC0012 == HET or \
			              gt_types.1094PC0005 == HOM_REF" \
		     --header \
chrom	start	end	ref	alt	gene gts.1094PC0005	gts.1094PC0009	gts.1094PC0012	gts.1094PC0013
chr1	30859	30860	G	C	FAM138A	G/G	G/G	G/G	G/G
chr1	30866	30869	CCT	C	FAM138A	CCT/CCT	CCT/CCT	CCT/C	CCT/CCT
chr1	69427	69428	T	G	OR4F5	T/T	T/T	T/T	T/T
chr1	69510	69511	A	G	OR4F5	./.	./.	A/G	A/G
chr1	69760	69761	A	T	OR4F5	A/A	A/T	A/A	A/A

I changed my mind, let's restrict the above to those variants where sample 1094PC0012 must also be heterozygous::

gemini query -q "select chrom, start, end, ref, alt, gene,
				gts.1094PC0005, \
	 	 		gts.1094PC0009, \
     	 		gts.1094PC0012, \
	 	 		gts.1094PC0013 \
 	    		from variants" \
 	  	 	  --gt-filter "(gt_types.1094PC0012 == HET or \
		                   gt_types.1094PC0005 == HOM_REF) \
						   and \
						   (gt_types.1094PC0013 == HET)" \
	          --header \
 chrom	start	end	ref	alt	gene gts.1094PC0005	gts.1094PC0009	gts.1094PC0012	gts.1094PC0013
 chr1	69510	69511	A	G	OR4F5	./.	./.	A/G	A/G

Adding your own, custom annotations to the gemini framework

It is inevitable that researchers will want to enhance the gemini framework with their own, custom annotations. gemini provides a sub-command called annotate for exactly this purpose. As long as you provide a tabix'ed annotation file in either BED or VCF format, the annotate tool will, for each variant in the variants table, screen for overlaps in your annotation file and update a new column in the variants table that you may specify on the command line. This is best illustrated by example.

Let's assume you have already created a gemini database of a VCF file using the load module.

gemini load -v my.vcf -t VEP my.db

Add a new column called "my_col" that tracks whether a given variant overlapped (1) or did not overlap (0) intervals in your annotation file.

# Add my_col to the database as a _boolean_
gemini annotate -f my_annos.bed.gz -c my_col -t boolean my.db

# Now query the results
gemini query -q "select chrom, start, end, variant_id, my_col from variants" my.db | head -3
chr22	16504479	16504480	1	1
chr22	16504488	16504489	2	0
chr22	16504490	16504491	3	1

Add a new column called "my_col" that counts the number of overlaps a given variant has with intervals in your annotation file.

# Add my_col to the database as a _count_
gemini annotate -f my_annos.bed.gz -c my_col -t count my.db

# Now query the results
gemini query -q "select chrom, start, end, variant_id, my_col from variants" my.db | head -3
chr22	16504479	16504480	1	2
chr22	16504488	16504489	2	0
chr22	16504490	16504491	3	1

Add a new column called "my_col" that creates a list of a specific column from the annotation file for each given variant.

# Add my_col to the database as a _list_, extracting the 4th
# column from the annotation file to create the list
gemini annotate -f my_annos.bed.gz -c my_col -t list -e 4 my.db

# Now query the results
gemini query -q "select chrom, start, end, variant_id, my_col from variants" my.db | head -3
chr22	16504479	16504480	1	rs123,rs456
chr22	16504488	16504489	2	None
chr22	16504490	16504491	3	rs789

Extracting KEGG pathways for variants/genes/individuals

gemini catalogs KEGG pathway information and using the pathways tool, one can extract pathway information for each sample that has variants affecting a given gene. The only requirement is that we know what version of Ensembl genes were using by snpEff or VEP. Currently, we expect version 66, 67, or 68.

gemini pathways -v 66 chr22.low.exome.snpeff.100samples.vcf.db

We can also focus solely on loss-of-function mutations with the --lof argument:

gemini pathways --lof -v 66 chr22.low.exome.snpeff.100samples.vcf.db | head
chrom	start	end	ref	alt	highest_impact	sample	genotype	gene	transcript	pathway
chr22	18912676	18912677	C	T	stop_gain	HG00312	C|T	PRODH	ENST00000357068	hsa01100:Metabolic_pathways,hsa00330:Arginine_and_proline_metabolism
chr22	18912676	18912677	C	T	stop_gain	HG01069	C|T	PRODH	ENST00000357068	hsa01100:Metabolic_pathways,hsa00330:Arginine_and_proline_metabolism
chr22	18912676	18912677	C	T	stop_gain	NA12275	C|T	PRODH	ENST00000357068	hsa01100:Metabolic_pathways,hsa00330:Arginine_and_proline_metabolism
chr22	18912676	18912677	C	T	stop_gain	NA18535	C|T	PRODH	ENST00000357068	hsa01100:Metabolic_pathways,hsa00330:Arginine_and_proline_metabolism
chr22	18912676	18912677	C	T	stop_gain	NA19324	T|C	PRODH	ENST00000357068	hsa01100:Metabolic_pathways,hsa00330:Arginine_and_proline_metabolism
chr22	18912676	18912677	C	T	stop_gain	NA19327	T|C	PRODH	ENST00000357068	hsa01100:Metabolic_pathways,hsa00330:Arginine_and_proline_metabolism
chr22	18912676	18912677	C	T	stop_gain	NA19655	C|T	PRODH	ENST00000357068	hsa01100:Metabolic_pathways,hsa00330:Arginine_and_proline_metabolism
chr22	18912676	18912677	C	T	stop_gain	NA20341	C|T	PRODH	ENST00000357068	hsa01100:Metabolic_pathways,hsa00330:Arginine_and_proline_metabolism
chr22	19258043	19258044	A	<DEL>	exon_deleted	NA18999	A|<DEL>	CLTCL1	ENST00000505027	hsa04721:Synaptic_vesicle_cycle,hsa04961:Endocrine_and_other_factor_regulated_calcium_reabsorption,hsa05016:Huntington's_disease,hsa05100:Bacterial_invasion_of_epithelial_cells,hsa04142:Lysosome,hsa04144:Endocytosis

Filtering candidate LoF variants by transcript position or transcript type.

Not all candidate LoF variants are created equal. For example, a nonsense (stop gain) variant impacting the first 5% of a polypeptide is far more likely to be deleterious than one affecting the last 5%. (For an empirical analysis of this in the human genome, see Fig 1C in MacArthur et al, 2012). Assuming you've annotated your VCF with snpEff v3.0+, the lof_sieve tool reports the fractional position (e.g. 0.05 for the first 5%) of the mutation in the amino acid sequence. In addition, it also reports the predicted function of the transcript so that one can segregate candidate LoF variants that affect protein_coding transcripts from processed RNA, etc.

gemini lof_sieve chr22.low.exome.snpeff.100samples.vcf.db
chrom	start	end	ref	alt	highest_impact	aa_change	var_trans_pos	trans_aa_length	var_trans_pct	sample	genotype	gene	transcript	trans_type
chr22	17072346	17072347	C	T	stop_gain	W365*	365	557	0.655296229803	NA19327	C|T	CCT8L2	ENST00000359963	protein_coding
chr22	17072346	17072347	C	T	stop_gain	W365*	365	557	0.655296229803	NA19375	T|C	CCT8L2	ENST00000359963	protein_coding
chr22	17072346	17072347	C	T	stop_gain	W365*	365	557	0.655296229803	NA19431	T|C	CCT8L2	ENST00000359963	protein_coding
chr22	17129539	17129540	C	T	splice_donor	None	None	None	None	NA18964	T|C	TPTEP1	ENST00000383140	lincRNA
chr22	17129539	17129540	C	T	splice_donor	None	None	None	None	NA19675	T|C	TPTEP1	ENST00000383140	lincRNA
chr22	17140745	17140746	A	G	splice_donor	None	None	None	None	NA19223	A|G	ANKRD62P1	ENST00000456726	lincRNA

Identifying potential compund heterozygotes

Many recessive disorders are caused by compound heterozygotes. Unlike canonical recessive sites where the same recessive allele is inherited from both parents at the same site in the gene, compund heterozygotes occur when the individual's phenotype is caused by two heterogeneous recessive alleles at different sites in a particular gene.

So basically, we are looking for two (typically loss-of-function (LoF)) heterozygous variants impacting the same gene at different loci. The complicating factor is that this is recessive and as such, we must also require that the consequential alleles at each heterozygous site were inherited on different chromosomes (one from each parent). As such, in order to use this tool, we require that all variants are phased. Once this has been done, the comp_hets tool will provide a report of candidate compund heterozygotes for each sample/gene.

For example:

gemini comp_hets chr22.low.exome.snpeff.100samples.vcf.db
sample	gene	het1	het2
NA19002	GTSE1	chr22,46722400,46722401,G,A,G|A,stop_gain,exon_22,0.005,1	chr22,46704499,46704500,C,A,A|C,stop_gain,exon_22,0.005,0

This indicates that sample NA19002 has a candidate compund heterozygote in GTSE1. The two hets are reported using the following structure: (chrom,start,end,ref,alt,genotype,impact,exon,AAF,in_dbsnp).

By default, all coding variants are explored. However, one may want to restrict the analysis to LoF variants.

gemini comp_hets --only_lof chr22.low.exome.snpeff.100samples.vcf.db

Extracting variants from specific regions or genes

gemini allows one to extract variants that fall within specific genomic coordinates as follows

gemini region --reg chr1:100-200 my.db

Or, one can extract variants based on a specific gene name.

gemini region --gene PTPN22 my.db

Conducting analyses on genome "windows".

gemini includes a convenient tool for computing variation metrics across genomic windows (fixed and sliding). Here are a few examples to whet your appetite. If you're still hungry, email us.

Compute the average nucleotide diversity for all variants found in non-overlapping, 50Kb windows.

gemini windower -w 50000 -s 0 -t nucl_div -o mean my.db

Compute the average nucleotide diversity for all variants found in 50Kb windows that overlap by 10kb.

gemini windower -w 50000 -s 10000 -t nucl_div -o mean my.db

Active areas of improvement

Full SQL support for the BLOB gts, gt_types, and gt_phases columns. Currently, some support is present, but the SQL "parser/interceptor" doesn't handle all cases. The goal is to be able to allow "slicing" into the BLOB's to support retrieval of a individual genotypes. E.g.::

gemini query -q "select chrom, start, ref, alt, gts.NA12878, gts.NA12879 from variants" my.db
chr1	100	A	G	A/A	A/G
chr1	200	C	G	C/G	G/G

Support for multiple third-party "functional annotation" tools. gemini depends upon tools like SnpEff, VEP, and ANNOVAR for predicting the impact of variants on genes. Currently, we support SnpEff and VEP, but our goal is to support other tools (such as the VAT from the Gerstein lab) as well. Currently, this is a bit complex as these tools are changing rapidly, and each tool reports functional consequences a bit differently.

Add a table that stores a vector of genotypes for each sample. This will facilitate fast computation of many popgen metrics.

Add GERP score. Add COSMIC


a lightweight db framework for disease and population genetics.







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