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Project that display a set of categories with their respectives items using Flask, SQLAlchemy, Google Oauth, WTF Forms.


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Table of Contents

Item's catalog

Project that display a set of categories with their respectives items.


  • Read operation to all categoris for non registered users.
  • Permissions to add new items/categories only for registered users.
  • Permissions to Edit / Delete each item/category only for owners of the items.
  • Prevent cross-site request forgeries (CSRF) with WTForms.
  • User registration and authentication using Google Oauth.
  • Database persistence using PostgreSQL.
  • JSON Endpoint.
  • XML Endpoint.


  • Create user's roles


Installed software on your operating system

You can choose between native installation or use a virtual machine with Vagrant:

Native installation

Using Vagrant

If you don't want to install the software on your machine you can use a virtual machine using Vagrant, in that case you must have installed on your system:

  • Virtual Box. Download virtualbox and install it. You do not need the extension pack or the SDK. You do not need to launch VirtualBox after installing it
  • Vagrant. Download vagrant and install it.

Once you have the software installed go into the project folder and execute:

vagrant up

And loggin into the virtual machine using:

vagrant ssh

To stop the virtual machine execute:

vagrant halt

Installation process

Once you have Installed software on your operating system, move inside project folder and install prerequisites through one of the following commands according to your system (remember we are using python3):

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: In some systems admin privileges are required.

Configure Google Oauth credentials

You need to configure your own credentials to use Google Oauth authentication

  1. Go to
  2. Create a New Project or choose an existent one.
  3. Go to: Use Google APIs.
  4. Go to: Credentials.
  5. Fill up Oauth Consent Screen Form.
  6. Click on: New credentials and Oath Client ID.
  7. Choose Web application.
  8. Fill up with the correct information.
    • Name: Item-Catalog.
    • Authorized JavaScript origins: http://localhost:5000
  9. Get the generated credentials with one of the following steps.
    • Copy client_id and client_secret and replace it into client_secret.json file or:
    • Download JSON file with name client_secret.json and replace the existing one into the project folder.

Database Creation

The main progam will try to automatically create the item_catalog database if it doesn't already exist, so make sure your actual user has the right level permission to perform database creation, and this database name does not make conflict with existing databases.

Populate with sample data

Some sample data it is included, so if you want to populate the database with the sample data, inside the project folder, execute:


Note: The items added in this sample data won't be editable at least you change the user email associate with them, using the email of your Google Oauth account.

Program Execution

Once you have completed all Prerequisites you can move inside project folder and execute one of the following commands (according to your system) to launch the webapp:




Now you can use the app on your browser with: http://localhost:5000

API Endpoints

You can obtain the all the information using the following endpoints






The MIT License (MIT)


Project that display a set of categories with their respectives items using Flask, SQLAlchemy, Google Oauth, WTF Forms.







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