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CNF formula generator and tools

This repository provides the command

  • cnfgen formula generator;

and the following python scripts:

  • random shuffler;
  • apply litfing or substitution;
  • make pebbling formula from a DAG.

You can get a brief help on how to use these tools by running <program_name> --help from the command line.


To install the cnfgen and the cnfformula python package, it is sufficient to do

python install [--user]

in the package directory. The --user option allows to install the package in user space. In this latter case be sure that the corresponding binary path is in your PATH environment variable.

CNF generator cnfgen

Tool cnfgen is CNF formulas generator (i.e. propositional formulas in conjunctive normal form). It produce formulas of interest for the proof complexity community (e.g. pigeonhole principle, ordering principle, …) both in dimacs and LaTeX format. The basic command line to get the dimacs version of a formula is

cnfgen -o <output_file> <formula_type> <formula_parameters>

Each formula family has its own parameters and options. Some of them even require further input. To get more specific information on each formula family type

cnfgen <formula_type> --help

cnfgen allows to apply transformations on the generated formula afterward. These transformations systematically make the formula harder for SAT solver, so they are of interest for proof complexity.

cnfgen -o <ofile> --Transform <type> --Tarity <N> <ftype> <fparameters>

To get more information about the available transformation types

cnfgen --help-transform

Here’s how to get a pigeonhole principle formula from 10 pigeons to 7 holes into file pigeon.cnf:

cnfgen -o pigeon.cnf php 10 7 

A note of cnfgen and graphs

Some of the formula families are based on graphs, and they need some as input. The cnfgen tool accepts graphs in kth, gml, dot, dimacs. In networkx is not installed, some of this formats may not be available.

Instead of feeding cnfgen with a graph, it is possible to ask for some default graphs from the command line (e.g grid graphs, random graphs…).

DIMACS file shuffler reshuffle

reshuffle takes a CNF in input and outputs the same CNF with a random variables order, clauses order and variable polarity flips. -i <input_cnf> -o <output_cnf> [-S random_seed]

DIMACS transformation dimacstransform

dimacstransform applies formula transformations to any CNF given in input. The command line --Transform <type> --Tarity <N> -i <input_cnf> -o <output_cnf>

applies transformation <type> of arity N to the input CNF. To see the available types of transformation. --help-transform

From DAGs to pebbling kth2dimacs

kth2dimacs gets a directed acyclic graph in input in KTH graph format (see below), and produces the corresponding pebbling formula. Optionally can apply formula transformation afterward. [--Transform <type> --Tarity <N>] -i <input_graph>

KTH graph format

Graphs must be given in the following format: the file can start with some comments line, each of them starting with character c. The next non black line must contain the number n of vertices in the graph. Then there must be $n$ non black lines, one for each vertex 1 ≤ i ≤ n. The lines have the format:

i : <pred 1> <pred 2> <pred 3> ... <pred k>

where <pred 1> <pred 2> <pred 3> ... <pred k> is the ordered list of all vertices which have an outgoing edge to vertex i. Here’s an example

c This is a DAG of 5 vertices
1  :
2  : 
3  : 1  
4  : 3  
5  : 2  4

Performance: the code contains a lot of sanity checks and internal safe nets. They take a toll on the running time and memory: to avoid that you can use the python optimization flag -O which will (among other thing) suppress these checks.

python -O <program_name> [command line options for <program_name>]

Target of the software

Anyone can use this software of course! But the main target is the community of SAT solver programmers, who may want to test they solvers on canonical families of formulas. Proof complexity researcher may be interested to, since they study the computational

General requirements

  • argparse library, which Python 2.7 includes, but Python 2.6 does not;
  • networkx library, which is used to parse some input formats for specifying graphs in cnfgen.


  • pygraphviz which is also used to read some graph formats in cnfgen. If it is missing, operations on such graph formats will not be available.


What is a CNF?

A propositional formula a representation of a function oven {0,1} variables. Consider such a variable x, then ¬x is a formula which has value 1-x. This is called the negation of x. Expressions of the form x and ¬x are called \literals/, and a clause is a disjunction

l₁ v l₂ v … v lₖ

where each lᵢ is a literal. A clause evaluates to one if and only if at least one of the literals evaluates to one. Otherwise the clause evaluates to zero. A CNF is a conjunction of clauses

C₁ ∧ C₂ ∧ … ∧ Cₘ

and the CNF evaluates to one if all clauses evaluates to one.

To falsify a formula we need an input for which the formula evaluates to 0; to satisfy a formula we need an input for which it evaluates to 1. Observe that to falsify a CNF it is sufficient to pick a clause and set the variables in such a way that all literals in the clause evaluate to zero. There is no efficient algorithm that decides whether a CNF is satisfiable or not.

DIMACS encoding of CNFs

The program outputs CNF formulas encoded in dimacs format, which has the following structure:

at the beginning of the file there may be an arbitrary number of comment lines, which must start with character c. The first non comment line specifies how many variables and how many clauses are in the CNF formulas. The next lines are sequence of non zero integers followed by zero.

p cnf <N> <M>
<i> <i> <i> <i> 0
<i> <i> <i> 0

Each line after the specification represents a clause in the following way: a positive number t is the positive literal on the variable indexed by t. A negative number t is the negated literal on the variable indexed by -t.

For example if the formula is defined on n variables x₁, x₂, …, xₙ then the line 3 -1 5 6 -4 0 encodes the clause x3 v ¬x₁ v x₅ v x₆ v ¬x₄.

Formula Families

We implement several families of formula in cnfgen tool. Here’s a brief description of each family with the principal parameters. To get more info about the parameters of a specific family just type

cnfgen <family> –help 

Pigeonhole Principle (php)

The formula claims that it is possible to assign H holes to P pigeons in such a way that

  • at least one hole is assigned to each pigeon;
  • no hole is assigned to more than on pigeon.
cnfgen php <P> <N>

The formula exists other variants: functional, onto, matching. These formulas have the same clauses of PHP plus more:

  • in functional PHP every pigeon is assigned to exactly one hole;
  • in onto PHP every hole must contain at least a pigeon;
  • matching PHP has both functional and onto clauses.

You can add functional and onto clauses using the command line options.

cnfgen php [--functional] [--onto] <P> <N>

Tseitin formula (tseitin)

Tseitin formula are graph based formulas. Start from a graph G such that each vertex is labelled either 0 or 1. The formula claim that you can put labels 0 or 1 on the edges of G so that the label of each vertex v is equal to the sum of the labels on the edges incident to v (module 2).

cnfgen tseitin –charge <type> -i <input_graph>

The initial charge of the vertices is either first (only the first vertex is labelled 1) or one of random, randomodd, randomeven.

Ordering principle (op)

The formula claims that there is partial order over a set of N elements, such that every element has at least one predecessor. If either the option -t or -s are used, then the formula will claim the same but within total orders. If -p is active, then a single element is allowed not to have a predecessor (this makes the formula satisfiable).

cnfgen op [-t|-s] [-p]  <N>

The difference between -t and -s is in the way the totality of the order is encoded: -t just adds some additional clauses to enforce totality; -s uses xᵢⱼ=0 to encode i>j and xᵢⱼ=1 to encode i<j. The latter encoding itself enforces totality.

There are two alternative encoding of the ordering principle inspired by a question by Donald E. Knuth. It is possible to use only a third of the transitive axioms and the formula is still unsatisfiable. The standard transitivity axioms are

xᵢⱼ ∧ xⱼₖ → xᵢₖ

for every different i,j,k. The option --knuth2 and the option --knuth3 are in alternative to -t and -s. Option --knuth2 only adds transitivity axioms for j>i and j>k. Option --knuth3 only adds transitivity axioms for k>i and k>j.

Both such formulas are unsatisfiable, but the short refutation for ordering principle by Stålmarck works for --knuth2 variant, while it does not for --knuth3 variant.

Graph ordering principle (gop)

The graph ordering principle is a variant of ordering principle: given a graph G of n vertices, the formula claim that there is a partial (or total) order on V(G), such that every vertex there is another one which is

  • a predecessor in the order;
  • a neighbor in the graph.
cnfgen gop [-t|-s] [-p]-i <input_graph>

If -p is active, then a single element is allowed not to have a predecessor (this makes the formula satisfiable if the graph is connected). Notice that this formula is equivalent to the ordering principle if the underlying graph is the complete one.

Options --knuth2 and --knuth3 work here as well.

Pebbling formula (peb)

A directed acyclic graph G has some vertices with no incoming arcs (sources) and vertices with no outgoing arcs (sinks). For a given directed acyclic graph G, the pebbling formula for G claims that:

  • there is a pebble on every source;
  • if all predecessors of vertex v are pebbled, then v is pebbled too;
  • the sinks are not pebbled.
cnfgen peb -i <inputDAG>

K-clique formula (kclique)

If given a graph G, the formula claims that there is no clique of size at least k in the graph G.

cnfgen kclique <k> -i <input_graph> 

Notice that there is the additional option --plantclique that plant a random clique in the graph. In this way it is possible to study the behavior of SAT solver on the hidden clique problem.

cnfgen kclique <k> -i <input_graph> --plantclique <k>

Ramsey number formula (ram)

The simplest version of the famous Ramsey theorem says that for every s and k there is a number r(s,k) such that every graph of r(s,k) vertices has either an independent set of size s or a clique of size k. Command line

cnfgen ram <s> <k> <N>

produces a formula that claims that r(s,k)>N. If a SAT solver claims that the formula is unsatisfiable, then it also prove an upper bound r(s,k)≤N, otherwise it would give a witness of a Ramsey number lower bound.

Ramsey number witness of lower bound (ramlb)

If given a graph G, the formula claims that there is either an independent set of size s or a clique of size k.

cnfgen ramlb <k> <s> -i <input_graph> 

If the formula is unsatisfiable, it means that the graph is a witness of the lower bound r(s,k)>|V(G)| for the Ramsey numbers. While the ram formula allows to find a witness with a SAT solver, this formula allow the verification.

OR formula (or)

This is a single clause on p+n variables, with p positive literals and n negative ones: x₁ v x₂ … xₚ v ¬y₁ v ¬y₁ … ¬yₙ.

cnfgen or <p> <n>

AND formula (and)

This is a conjunction of singleton clauses on p+n variables, with p positive literals and n negative ones: x₁ ∧ x₂ … xₚ ∧ ¬y₁ ∧ ¬y₁ … ¬yₙ.

cnfgen and <p> <n>

Formula Transformations

Othen we want to increase the hardness of formulas in a controlled way to study their proof complexity or how SAT solver perform on them. A way to do that is to apply transformations.

Pick a formula F on variables {xᵢ}. We can take a function g:{0,1}ˡ→{0,1} and substitute each variable with the value of function g on l independent copies of the variables. For example if g is XOR and l=2 then the CNF

x ∧ (y v ¬z)


x₁⊕x₂ ∧ (y₁⊕y₂ v ¬z₁⊕z₂).

Each of the two original clauses must be represented in CNF form: x₁⊕x₂ becomes (x₁ v x₂)∧( ¬x₁ v ¬x₂); and y₁⊕y₂ v ¬z₁⊕z₂ becomes

( y₁ v y₂ z₁ v ¬z₂)∧ (¬y₁ v ¬y₂ z₁ v ¬z₂)∧ ( y₁ v y₂ ¬z₁ v z₂)∧ (¬y₁ v ¬y₂ ¬z₁ v z₂)

As long as the original CNF has only narrow clauses and the parameter l is not too large, the formula does not increase too much in size.

Our tools cnfgen,, allow to select a function g and a value l and to apply the corresponding transformation to the output CNF. For example: --Transform eq --Tarity 5 -i <ifile> -o <ofile>

substitutes every boolan variable of the input formula with a function which is true if and only if its 5 inputs are all the same.

Another transformation we implement is lifting, and it is slightly different than a variable substitution. For more information about this transformation we suggest to browse the proof complexity literature.

For a list of all implemented transformations you can type (e.g. for cnfgen tool) --help-transform


CNF generator in DIMACS format. It produces common families of CNFs.







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