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Overview of the SuSySubstructure Package

This package is intended to study various substructure techniques for gluino searches. For ease of use, it is used in conjuction with the TreeMaker package employed by the RA2/b analysis.

Setup Instruction

setenv SCRAM_ARCH slc6_amd64_gcc491
cmsrel CMSSW_7_2_3_patch1
cd CMSSW_7_2_3_patch1/src
git clone -b CMSSW_7_2_X .
git clone -b synch_June26_2015 AWhitbeck/SuSySubstructure
cd AWhitbeck/SuSySubstructure
cd ../../
scram b -j 8
wget -P AWhitbeck/SuSySubstructure/test/

Input files

A number of config fragments are stored in the python directory for files list for entire samples. For PHYS14 samples, see list of config files here. There are also some private samples that have been produced for more detailed studies. The corresponding config files are here.

Relevant Code

For producing analysis trees, the config file,, should be used. This config file also also for command line arguments to be passed along. The relevant command line arguments are:

argument name default usage example comments
inputFilesConfig "" intputFilesConfig=PHYS14.SMS-T1tttt_2J_mGl-1200_mLSP-800_Tune4C_13TeV-madgraph-tauola config file for inputs, automatically appended with
outputFile "T1tttt" outputFile=T1tttt root file for outputs, automatically appended with _RA2AnalysisTree.root
files "" files=file:myMINIAODfile.root This can be used for comma separated lists of files.
scenario "" scenario=Phys14 To set up the necessary TreeMaker parameters for different scenarios; options: Phys14, Spring15, 2015B, re2015B

So, an example of how to run the code would be:

cmsRun inputFilesConfig=PHYS14.SMS-T1tttt_2J_mGl-1200_mLSP-800_Tune4C_13TeV-madgraph-tauola outputFile=T1tttt_mGl-1200_mLSP-800 scenario=Phys14

Submit Production to Condor (@ LPC)

There are also utilities set up to run over all of the PHYS14 samples and save the output tree to your specified area (eos is required!). The test/condorSub directory contains all of the relevant scripts. If you copy this to another directory and run the script, it will submit one job per file to condor for all of the relevant PHYS14 samples. Example:

cp -r condorSub myProduction
cd myProduction
./ root://

The jobs open the files over xrootd, so will check that you have a valid grid proxy. It will also make a tarball of the current CMSSW working directory to send to the worker node. If you want to reuse an existing CMSSW tarball (no important changes have been made since the last time you submitted jobs), there is an extra argument:

./ root:// keep

Things to do for batch submission:

  1. get code working for check for and resubmitting failed jobs

Calculating integrated luminosity

Scripts are available to calculate the integrated luminosity from data ntuples (produced with TreeMaker):


The first script loops over a list of data samples and creates a JSON file for each sample consisting of the lumisections which were actually processed. (This script is based on the CRAB3 client job report scripts.)

The second script runs lcr2 on the JSON files created by the first script. It will automatically copy and the runcsv directory from AFS.


for investigating whether or not "substructure" variables can improve SUSY searches






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