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rtichoke: A 21 century R console

rtichoke is an enhanced console to the R program. rtichoke is built on top of a python library prompt-toolkit. In certain sense, one would consider rtichoke as a ipython clone for R. rtichoke was previously named as rice.

rtichoke is still under active development, any feedbacks will be welcome. Users should also use it at their own risks


  • shell mode (hit ; to enter and <backspace> to leave)
  • lightweight, no compilation is required
  • multiline editing
  • syntax highlight
  • auto completion
  • auto matching parens/quotes.
  • brackated paste mode
  • cross platform, runs on Windows, macOS and Linux
  • emacs/vi editing mode
  • custom color scheme
  • automiatically adjust to terminal width
  • read more than 4096 bytes per line



  • An installation of R (version 3.4.0 or above) is required to use rtichoke, an R installation binary for your system can be downloaded from
  • python is also required to install rtichoke. If your system doesn't come with a python distribution, it can be downloaded from Both version 2 and version 3 should work, though python 3 is recommended.
  • pip is optional but it makes the installation a bit easier.
# install released version
pip install -U rtichoke
# or the development version
pip install -U git+
# to run rtichoke


rtichoke can be customized via options in .Rprofile file. This file is usually located in your user home directory.

    # color scheme see [here]( for a list of supported color schemes, default is `"native"`
    rtichoke.color_scheme = "native",

    # either  `"emacs"` (default) or `"vi"`.
    rtichoke.editing_mode = "emacs",

    # auto match brackets and quotes
    rtichoke.auto_match = FALSE,

    # auto indentation for new line and curly braces
    rtichoke.auto_indentation = TRUE,
    rtichoke.tab_size = 4,

    # pop up completion while typing
    rtichoke.complete_while_typing = TRUE,

    # automatically adjust R buffer size based on terminal width
    rtichoke.auto_width = TRUE,

    # insert new line between prompts
    rtichoke.insert_new_line = TRUE,

    # when using history search (ctrl-r/ctrl-s in emacs mode), do not show duplicate results
    rtichoke.history_search_no_duplicates = FALSE,

    # custom prompt for different modes
    rtichoke.prompt = "\033[0;34mr$>\033[0m ",
    rtichoke.shell_prompt = "\033[0;31m#!>\033[0m ",
    rtichoke.browse_prompt = "\033[0;33mBrowse[{}]>\033[0m ",

    # supress the loading message for reticulate
    rtichoke.suppress_reticulate_message = FALSE

Alias on unix system

You could alias r to rtichoke by putting

alias r="rtichoke"

in ~/.bash_profile such that r would open rtichoke and R would still open the tranditional R console. (R is still useful, e.g, running R CMD BUILD.)


R_HOME location

If rtichoke cannot locate the installation of R automatically. The best option is to expose the R binary to the system PATH variable.

On Linux/macOS, you could also export the environment variable R_HOME. For example,

$ export R_HOME=/usr/local/lib/R
$ rtichoke

Note that it should be the path to R_HOME, not the path to the R binary. The folder should contain a file called COPYING. In some cases, you may need to futher specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH,

$ rtichoke

History file

rtichoke maintains its own history file .rtichoke_history and doesn't use the .Rhistory file. A local .rtichoke_history is used if it is found in the launching directory. Otherwise, the global history file ~/.rtichoke_history would be used. To override the default behavior, you could launch rtichoke with the options: rtichoke --local-history, rtichoke --global-history or rtichoke --no-history.

Does it slow down my R program?

rtichoke only provides a frontend to the R program, the actual running eventloop is the same as that of the traditional R console. There is no performance sacrifice (or gain) while using this modern command line interface.

Nvim-R support


let R_app = "rtichoke"
let R_cmd = "R"
let R_hl_term = 0
let R_args = []  " if you had set any
let R_bracketed_paste = 1

in your vim config.

Readline Error undefined symbol: PC

If you are using conda and encounter this error, it is likely because the readline from conda is bugged. Install it again via conda-forge.

conda install -c conda-forge readline=6.2


The name rtichoke was suggested by thefringthing.

Icons made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY


A 21 century R console (previously known as rice)







No packages published


  • Python 100.0%