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Microwave Experiments

To do :

  1. Design radio block
  2. Define Paramater radio
  3. Create PHY
  4. Create virtual interface
  5. Run USRP

For mac user

If you are using brew

username@barbar:~$  brew install uhd gnuradio

or if you use port

username@barbar:~$  sudo port install uhd
username@barbar:~$  sudo port install gnuradio

Linux User

username@barbar:~$  sudo apt install gnuradio
username@barbar:~$  sudo apt-get install -y uhd-host libuhd-dev 


  • 2020, M Dzakwan Falih
  • 2020, Bitwyre Technologies LLC


Dzakwan Falih


Dendi Suhubdy
