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 PyBBDB -- an interface to the Insidious Big Brother Database

.. contents::


PyBBDB may sound like a rude noise, but it is actually a Python interface
to the Insidious Big Brother Database (BBDB_), an address book used with
`GNU Emacs`_.  You can find out more about BBDB on the `Emacs Wiki`_.  The
PyBBDB source repo is hosted at Bitbucket_.  Releases can be found on

.. note::

   This module only handles BBDB version 2.  There is a version 3 in
   development on Savannah_, but there has been no public release as yet.


To install and run it:
    pyparsing_, voluptuous_ and six_

To run unit tests:


The usual incantation will install things::

    pip install pybbdb


Creating a BBDB database

To create a new database is as simple as you might expect::

    >>> from bbdb import BBDB
    >>> db = BBDB()

The database starts with no records.  To add a new one, use the
``add_record()`` method, specifying the first and last names, and any other
attributes you want to set::

    >>> fred = db.add_record("Fred", "Flintstone")
    >>> fred
    <Record: Fred Flintstone>

    >>> barney = db.add_record("Barney", "Rubble")
    >>> db
    <BBDB: 2 records>

You can use the returned record object to set other attributes::

    >>> fred.set_company("Slate Rock & Gravel")

A ``Record`` is a subclass of ``OrderedDict``, so you can set or modify
attributes in this style::

    >>> fred["company"] = "Slate Rock & Gravel"

As a convenience, there are properties for each of the valid attributes::

    >>> fred.firstname

    'Slate Rock & Gravel'

There's also a composite ``name`` property::

    'Fred Flintstone'

Some BBDB attributes consist of lists of things, and there are ``add_*()``
methods for these::

    >>> fred.add_net("")
    >>> fred.add_net("")
    ['', '']

    >>> fred.add_aka("Freddie")
    >>> fred.aka

Telephone records consist of a location tag and a phone number string::

    >>> fred.add_phone("Work", "555-6789")
    >>> fred.add_phone("Home", "555-1234")
    SortedDict([('Home', '555-1234'), ('Work', '555-6789')])

Records can have multiple addresses, each indexed by a location tag.  Each
address in turn has several attributes::

    >>> home = fred.add_address("Home")
    >>> home.add_location("Cave 2a", "345 Cavestone Road")
    >>> home.set_city("Bedrock")
    >>> home.set_state("Hanna Barbera")
    >>> home.set_zipcode("12345")
    >>> home.set_country("USA")

    >>> home
    <Address: Cave 2a, 345 Cavestone Road, Bedrock, Hanna Barbera, 12345, USA>

    >>> home.location
    ['Cave 2a', '345 Cavestone Road']

    >>> home.zipcode

Finally, each entry can have an arbitrary dictionary of user-defined

    >>> fred.add_field("spouse", "Wilma")
    >>> fred.add_field("kids", "Pebbles, Bam-Bam")
    >>> fred.add_field("catchphrase", '"Yabba dabba doo!"')
    >>> fred.fields
    SortedDict([('catchphrase', '"Yabba dabba doo!"'), ('kids', 'Pebbles, Bam-Bam'), ('spouse', 'Wilma')])

Field values can also have newlines::

    >>> barney.add_field("pets", "brontosaurus\npterodactyl")

Reading and writing BBDB files

The ``write()`` method will write the database to a stream (default
``stdout``) in a format suitable for use by GNU Emacs::

    >>> db.write()                        # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +REPORT_UDIFF
    ;; -*-coding: utf-8-emacs;-*-
    ;;; file-version: 6
    ;;; user-fields: (catchphrase kids pets spouse)
    ["Barney" "Rubble" nil nil nil nil nil ((pets . "brontosaurus\npterodactyl")) nil]
    ["Fred" "Flintstone" ("Freddie") "Slate Rock & Gravel" (["Home" "555-1234"] ...

The convenience ``write_file()`` method will put that in a file::

    >>> db.write_file("examples/bbdb.el")

You can read a database from file using the ``fromfile()`` static method::

    >>> newdb = BBDB.fromfile("examples/bbdb.el")
    >>> newdb
    <BBDB: 2 records>

    >>> newdb == db

The ``read()`` and ``read_file()`` methods of a BBDB database can be used
import records from other databases.

Exporting to other formats

Since all BBDB objects are subclasses of ``OrderedDict``, you can easily
serialize it to other formats.  For example, JSON::

    >>> import sys
    >>> import json
    >>> json.dump(db, sys.stdout, indent=4)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +REPORT_UDIFF
        "coding": "utf-8-emacs", 
        "fileversion": 6, 
        "records": [
                "firstname": "Barney", 
                "lastname": "Rubble", 
                "company": "", 
                "aka": [], 
                "phone": {}, 
                "address": {}, 
                "net": [], 
                "fields": {
                    "pets": "brontosaurus\\npterodactyl"
                "firstname": "Fred", 
                "lastname": "Flintstone", 
                "company": "Slate Rock & Gravel", 
                "aka": [
                "phone": {
                    "Home": "555-1234", 
                    "Work": "555-6789"
                "address": {
                    "Home": {
                        "location": [
                            "Cave 2a", 
                            "345 Cavestone Road"
                        "city": "Bedrock", 
                        "state": "Hanna Barbera", 
                        "zipcode": "12345", 
                        "country": "USA"
                "net": [
                "fields": {
                    "catchphrase": "\"Yabba dabba doo!\"", 
                    "kids": "Pebbles, Bam-Bam", 
                    "spouse": "Wilma"

You can create a BBDB database from an appropriately-structured dict using
the ``fromdict`` method::

    >>> serialized = json.dumps(db)
    >>> data = json.loads(serialized)
    >>> newdb = BBDB.fromdict(data)
    >>> newdb == db

Release history

Version 0.4 (10 February 2017)

* Use pytest for unit tests.

* Bugfix: add support for newlines in fields.
* Bugfix: allow last name to be nil.

Version 0.3 (22 July 2015)

* Bugfix: get things working properly with Python 3.

Version 0.2 (2 July 2015)

* Add validation of data using voluptuous_.
* Add a bunch of demo converter programs.
* Add tox_ test support.
* Add Python 3 support.

* Bugfix: convert records from file to correct type.

Version 0.1 (11 June 2015)

* Initial release.


Report any problems, bugs, etc, to me (Glenn Hutchings) at  Patches will also be welcome!

.. _Bitbucket:
.. _BBDB:
.. _PyPI:
.. _Emacs Wiki:
.. _Mercurial:
.. _GNU Emacs:
.. _Savannah:
.. _pyparsing:
.. _pytest:
.. _six:
.. _tox:
.. _voluptuous: