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tiddlywebplugins.fastly is a TiddlyWeb plugin that works with the Fastly dynamic CDN to effectively cache single recipes, bags, tiddlers and collections thereof.

See the design notes for background info.

This plugin is an experiment to explore what hurdles need to be overcome to get TiddlyWeb working in the Fastly context and generally to explore the Fastly ecosystem.


For fast.

Depending on the usage profile (the ratio of reads to writes) of the TiddlyWeb service the number of hits against the backend will drop dramatically and the effective latency for the end user will be significantly improved. This means the backend can be quite lightweight while still providing zoom to the users.


An existing TiddlyWeb instance can be updated to use this plugin as follows (note: The second step is not yet true as the plugin has not been released to PyPI yet, please clone this repo and install from there):

  • Install fastly-py.

  • Install the plugin: pip install -U tiddlywebplugins.fastly.

  • Edit to add tiddlywebplugins.fastly to system_plugins and twanager_plugins and add keys and values for fastly.server_id and fastly.api_key (found in the analytics and configuration app at

      'system_plugins': ['tiddlywebwiki', 'tiddlywebwplugins.fastly'],
      'twanager_plugins': ['tiddlywebwiki', 'tiddlywebwplugins.fastly'],
      'fastly.server_id': 'your_server_id',
      'fastly.api_key': 'your_api_key'
  • Restart the instance.

Once installed three new pieces of functionality will be present:

  • There are several new twanager commands for inspecting and manipulating the Fastly configuration and manually purging URLs and keys. Run twanager to see them listed.
  • Outgoing responses to GET requests are augmented with appropriate Surrogate-Key headers.
  • When entities are written to the store (via store.put) a HOOK sends a purge_key request to the Fastly API.

Non-Caching URIs

By default Fastly will cache anything you give it. If you need to avoid this you can write custom VCL for various rules that will cause a pass. One convenient catch-all is to pass on anything which has not provided a Surrogate-Key header:

    if ( !beresp.http.surrogate-key ) { 
        set beresp.ttl = 0s;
        set beresp.grace = 0s;

This, however, is a sledgehammer. It is generally better to let most URIs cache and configure pass on specific URIs.

Custom URI Handlers

The code for surrogate keys can be extended to generate keys for custom routes provided by plugins. For example to generate keys for the friendlywiki route provided by tiddlywebwiki a plugin with the following code could be used:

from tiddlywebplugins.fastly.surrogates import recipe_tiddlers_uri_keys

def init(config):
    def friendly_keys(environ, start_response):
        return recipe_tiddlers_uri_keys(environ)

    config['fastly.selector'].add('/{recipe_name:segment}', GET=friendly_keys)

This is a hack to utilize the WSGI dispatching routines in Selector to call a function which returns a list of keys. The function should return whatever keys make sense for the given route. In this example since the route returns a collection of tiddlers generated by a recipe the recipe_tiddlers_uri_keys method is used.


At this time the plugin is not fully complete: Authenticated scenarios are not handled. See the design notes for comments on authentication.

If you need a quick fix for dealing with Auth you can add cookies to the request hash. This will create a per user cache. See:


TiddlyWeb Plugin for using Fastly as a dynamic caching accelerator







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