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Dinosaurs will slowly die.


Please read the LICENSE file distributed with this software.

What is Shiva?

The Mozilla Hacks blog kindly published a nice article that explains the ideas that inspire this software: Shiva: More than a RESTful API to your music collection


You are going to need:

  • ffmpeg
  • libxml C headers
  • python headers
  • sqlite (optional)

If you want Shiva to automatically fetch artists' images from Last.FM while indexing you are going to need an API key. You can get one at

This makes the whole indexing slower because issues a request on a per-album and per-artist basis, but does a lot of work automatically for you.

By default Shiva uses a SQLite database, but this can be overriden.

To install all the dependencies on Debian (and derivatives):

sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev ffmpeg python-dev sqlite

If at some point of the installation process you get the error:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz

You also need the package lib32z1-dev

On Mac OS X with homebrew you can get the libxml headers with:

brew install libxml2 libxslt

On Mac OS X sqlite should come pre-installed. If it's not:

brew install sqlite


  • Get the source:
$ git clone
$ cd shiva-server
  • Create and activate your virtalenv (highly recommended):
$ virtualenv .virtualenv
$ source .virtualenv/bin/activate
  • Install:
$ python develop
  • Rename shiva/config/ to
$ cp shiva/config/ shiva/config/

See Configuring for more info.

  • Edit it and configure the directories to scan for music.
  • Run the indexer:
$ shiva-indexer
  • Run the file server:
$ shiva-fileserver
  • Run the server in a different console:
$ shiva-server

Installation using pip

You can install Shiva through pip, running the following command:

$ pip install shiva

That will automatically download and install Shiva and all its dependencies.

Note: This will install the latest release, which may contain bugs and lack some features. It is highly recommended that you install the latest development version, following the manual installation guide above.


Shiva looks for config files in the following places:

  • config/ relative to the directory where Shiva is installed.
  • If an environment variable $SHIVA_CONFIG is set, then is assumed to be pointing to a config file.
  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shiva/ which defauls to $HOME/.config/shiva/

If all 3 files exist, then all 3 will be read and overriden in that same order, so $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shiva/ will take precedence over config/


It's possible to load settings specific for debugging. If you have the following in any of your config files:

DEBUG = True

Then Shiva will also try to load this configuration files:

  • config/ relative to the directory where Shiva is installed.
  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shiva/ which defauls to $HOME/.config/shiva/

In this case $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shiva/ will also have precedence over config/


The indexer receives the following command line arguments.

  • --lastfm
  • --nometadata
  • --reindex

If you set the --lastfm flag Shiva will retrieve artist and album images from Last.FM, but for this to work you need to get an API key (see Prerequisites) and include it in your config file.

The --nometadata option saves dummy tracks with only path information, ignoring the file's metadata. This means that albums and artists will not be saved, but indexing will be as fast as it gets.

If both flags are set, --nometadata will take precedence and --lastfm will be ignored.

With --reindex the whole database will be dropped and recreated. Be careful, all existing information will be deleted. If you just want to update your music collection, run the indexer again without the --reindex option.

The indexer is optimized for performance; hard drive hits, like file reading or DB queries, are done as few as possible. As a consequence, memory usage is quite heavy. Keep that in mind when indexing large collections.

Restricting extensions

If you want to limit the extensions of the files to index, just add the following config to your file:


That way only 'mp3' and 'ogg' files will be indexed.

Scanning directories

To tell Shiva which directories to scan for music, you will have to configure your shiva/config/ file. There you will find a MEDIA_DIRS option where you need to supply MediaDir objects.

This object allows for media configuration. By instantiating a MediaDir class you can tell Shiva where to look for the media files and how to serve those files. It's possible to configure the system to look for files on a directory and serve those files through a different server.

MediaDir(root='/srv/http', dirs=('/music', '/songs'),

Given that configuration Shiva will scan the directories /srv/http/music and /srv/http/songs for media files, but they will be served through http://localhost:8080/music/ and http://localhost:8080/songs/.

If just a dir is provided you will also need to run the file server, as mentioned in the installation guide. This is a simple file server, for testing purposes only. Do NOT use in a live environment.


For more information, check the source of shiva/


A web-based front-end built as a single page application using HTML5 technologies. It includes its own test web server so you don't need to install one.

Java implementation of the Shiva protocol. Runs on android.

A web based client built with AngularJS.

Wish you were here

Or you can also build your own client and put your own ideas into practice. I encourage you to do so. Build your own music player that meets your exact needs.

Feel free to issue PRs if you need new functionality in Shiva.


You have the following resources available:

  • /artists
  • /artist/<int:artist_id>
  • /artist/<int:artist_id>/shows
  • /albums
  • /album/<int:album_id>
  • /tracks
  • /track/<int:track_id>
  • /track/<int:track_id>/lyrics

And some meta resources:

  • /random/<str:resource_name>
  • /whatsnew
  • /clients
  • /about

Artists Resource

Example response for the request GET /artist/3:

    "name": "Eterna Inocencia",
    "image": "",
    "uri": "/artist/3",
    "slug": "eterna-inocencia",
    "id": 3


  • id: The object's ID.
  • image: Link to a photo. (Provided by
  • name: The artist's name.
  • slug: A slug of the artist's name.
  • uri: The URI of this resource's instance.

Shows Resource

Information provided by BandsInTown. This is the only resource that is not cached in the local database given to it's dynamic nature.

Example response for the request GET /artist/1/shows:

        "other_artists": [
                "mbid": "5c210861-2ce2-4be3-9307-bbcfc361cc01",
                "facebook_tour_dates_url": "",
                "image_url": "",
                "name": "Pennywise",
        "artists": [
                "id": 1,
                "uri": "/artist/1"
        "tickets_left": true,
        "title": "Lagwagon @ Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver, Canada",
        "venue": {
            "latitude": "49.2805760",
            "name": "Commodore Ballroom",
            "longitude": "-123.1207430"
        "id": "6041814",
        "datetime": "Thu, 21 Feb 2013 19:00:00 -0000"



  • other_artists: A list with artists that are not in Shiva's database.
    • mbid: ID.
    • facebook_tour_dates_url: URI to BandsInTown's Facebook app for this artist.
    • image_url: URI to an image of the artist.
    • name: Name of the artist.
  • artists: A list of artist resources.
  • tickets_left: A boolean representing the availability (or not) of tickets for the concert.
  • title: The title of the event.
  • venue: A structure identifying the venue where the event takes place.
    • latitude: Venue's latitude.
    • name: Venue's name.
    • longitude: Venue's longitude.
  • id: BandsInTown's ID for this event.
  • datetime: String representation of the date and time of the show.


The Shows resource accepts, optionally, two pairs of parameters:

  • latitude and longitude
  • country and city

By providing one of this two pairs you can filter down the result list only to a city. If only one of the pair is provided (e.g., only city) will be ignored, and if both pairs are provided, the coordinates will take precedence.

Albums Resource

Example response for the request GET /album/9:

    "artists": [
            "id": 2,
            "uri": "/artist/2"
            "id": 5,
            "uri": "/artist/5"
    "name": "NOFX & Rancid - BYO Split Series (Vol. III)",
    "year": 2002,
    "uri": "/album/9",
    "cover": "",
    "id": 9,
    "slug": "nofx-rancid-byo-split-series-vol-iii"


  • artists: A list of the artists involved in that record.
  • cover: A link to an image of the album's cover. (Provided by
  • id: The object's ID.
  • name: The album's name.
  • slug: A slug of the album's name.
  • uri: The URI of this resource's instance.
  • year: The release year of the album.


The album list accepts an artist parameter in which case will filter the list of albums only to those corresponding to that artist.

Example response for the request GET /albums/?artist=7:

        "artists": [
                "id": 7,
                "uri": "/artist/7"
        "name": "Anesthesia",
        "year": 1995,
        "uri": "/album/12",
        "cover": "",
        "id": 12,
        "slug": "anesthesia"
        "artists": [
                "id": 7,
                "uri": "/artist/7"
        "name": "Kum Kum",
        "year": 1996,
        "uri": "/album/27",
        "cover": "",
        "id": 27,
        "slug": "kum-kum"

Track Resource

Example response for the request GET /track/510:


    "number": 4,
    "bitrate": 128,
    "slug": "dinosaurs-will-die",
    "album": {
        "id": 35,
        "uri": "/album/35"
    "title": "Dinosaurs Will Die",
    "artist": {
        "id": 2,
        "uri": "/artist/2"
    "uri": "/track/510",
    "id": 510,
    "length": 180,
    "files": {
        "audio/mp3": "http://localhost:8080/nofx-pump_up_the_valuum/04. Dinosaurs Will Die.mp3",
        "audio/ogg": "/track/510/convert?mimetype=audio%2Fogg"



  • album: The album to which this track belongs.
  • bitrate: In MP3s this value is directly proportional to the sound quality.
  • id: The object's ID.
  • length: The length in seconds of the track.
  • number: The ordinal number of this track with respect to this album.
  • slug: A slug of the track's title.
  • title: The title of the track.
  • uri: The URI of this resource's instance.
  • files: A list of URIs to access the files in the different formats, according to the MEDIA_DIRS setting.


The track listing accepts one of two possible parameters to filter down the list only to those tracks corresponding to a given album or artist.

By artist

Example response for the request GET /tracks?artist=16:

        "number": 1,
        "bitrate": 196,
        "slug": "pay-cheque-heritage-ii",
        "album": {
            "id": 36,
            "uri": "/album/36"
        "title": "Pay Cheque (Heritage II)",
        "artist": {
            "id": 16,
            "uri": "/artist/16"
        "uri": "/track/523",
        "id": 523,
        "length": 189,
        "files": {
            "audio/mp3": "http://localhost:8080/ftd-2003-sofa_so_good/01 For The Day - Pay Cheque (Heritage II).mp3",
            "audio/ogg": "/track/523/convert?mimetype=audio%2Fogg"
        "number": 2,
        "bitrate": 186,
        "slug": "in-your-dreams",
        "album": {
            "id": 36,
            "uri": "/album/36"
        "title": "In Your Dreams",
        "artist": {
            "id": 16,
            "uri": "/artist/16"
        "uri": "/track/531",
        "id": 531,
        "length": 171,
        "files": {
            "audio/mp3": "http://localhost:8080/ftd-2003-sofa_so_good/02 For The Day - In Your Dreams.mp3",
            "audio/ogg": "/track/523/convert?mimetype=audio%2Fogg"
By album

Example response for the request GET /tracks?album=18:


        "album": {
            "id": 18,
            "uri": "/album/18"
        "length": 132,
        "files": {
            "audio/mp3": "http://localhost:8080/flip-keep_rockin/flip-01-shapes.mp3",
            "audio/ogg": "/track/277/convert?mimetype=audio%2Fogg"
        "number": 1,
        "title": "Shapes",
        "slug": "shapes",
        "artist": {
            "id": 9,
            "uri": "/artist/9"
        "bitrate": 192,
        "id": 277,
        "uri": "/track/277"
        "album": {
            "id": 18,
            "uri": "/album/18"
        "length": 118,
        "files": {
            "audio/mp3": "http://localhost:8080/flip-keep_rockin/flip-02-stucked_to_the_ground.mp3",
            "audio/ogg": "/track/281/convert?mimetype=audio%2Fogg"
        "number": 2,
        "title": "Stucked to The Ground",
        "slug": "stucked-to-the-ground",
        "artist": {
            "id": 9,
            "uri": "/artist/9"
        "bitrate": 192,
        "id": 281,
        "uri": "/track/281"

Lyrics Resource

Example response for the request GET /track/256/lyrics:

    "track": {
        "id": 256,
        "uri": "/track/256"
    "source_uri": "",
    "id": 6,
    "uri": "/lyrics/6"


  • id: The object's ID.
  • source_uri: The URI where the lyrics were fetched from.
  • track: The track for which the lyrics are.
  • uri: The URI of this resource's instance.

Adding more lyric sources

Everytime you request a lyric, Shiva checks if there's a lyric associated with that track in the database. If it's there it will immediately retrieve it, otherwise will iterate over a list of scrapers, asking each one of them if they can fetch it. This list is in your local config file and looks like this:

    'lyrics': (

This will look for a class ClassName in shiva/lyrics/ If more scrapers are added, each one of them is called sequentially, until one of them finds the lyrics and the rest are not executed.

Adding scrapers

If you want to add your own scraper just create a file under the lyrics directory, let's say with this structure:

from shiva.lyrics import LyricScraper

class MyLyricsScraper(LyricScraper):
    """ Fetches lyrics from """

    def fetch(self, artist, title):
        # Magic happens here

        if not lyrics:
            return False

        self.lyrics = lyrics
        self.source = lyrics_url

        return True

And then add it to the scrapers list:

    'lyrics': (

Remember that the fetch() method has to return True in case the lyrics were found or False otherwise. It must also store the URL where they were fetched from in self.source. That's where Shiva looks for the information.

Shiva will not store the actual lyrics, only the URI where the lyric was found.

For more details check the source of the other scrapers.

The fulltree modifier

The three main resources accept a fulltree parameter when retrieving an instance. Those are:

  • /artist/<int:artist_id>
  • /album/<int:album_id>
  • /track/<int:track_id>

Whenever you set fulltree to any value that evaluates to True (i.e., any string except 'false' and '0') Shiva will include not only the information of the object you are requesting, but also the child objects.

Here's an example response for the request GET /artist/2?fulltree=true:

    "name": "Eterna Inocencia",
    "image": "",
    "uri": "/artist/2",
    "events_uri": null,
    "id": 2,
    "slug": "eterna-inocencia",
    "albums": [
            "artists": [
                    "id": 2,
                    "uri": "/artist/2"
            "name": "Tomalo Con Calma EP",
            "year": 2002,
            "uri": "/album/2",
            "cover": "",
            "id": 2,
            "slug": "tomalo-con-calma-ep",
            "tracks": [
                    "album": {
                        "id": 2,
                        "uri": "/album/2"
                    "length": 161,
                    "files": {
                        "audio/mp3": "",
                        "audio/ogg": "/track/27/convert?mimetype=audio%2Fogg"
                    "number": 0,
                    "title": "02 - Rio Lujan",
                    "slug": "02-rio-lujan",
                    "artist": {
                        "id": 2,
                        "uri": "/artist/2"
                    "bitrate": 192,
                    "id": 27,
                    "uri": "/track/27"
                    "album": {
                        "id": 2,
                        "uri": "/album/2"
                    "length": 262,
                    "files": {
                        "audio/mp3": "",
                        "audio/ogg": "/track/28/convert?mimetype=audio%2Fogg"
                    "number": 0,
                    "title": "03 - Estoy herido en mi interior",
                    "slug": "03-estoy-herido-en-mi-interior",
                    "artist": {
                        "id": 2,
                        "uri": "/artist/2"
                    "bitrate": 192,
                    "id": 28,
                    "uri": "/track/28"

Using fulltree on tracks

The behaviour on a track resource is a little different. In the previous example tracks are the leaves of the tree, but when the fulltree of a track is requested then all the scraped resources are also included, like lyrics.

This is not the default behaviour to avoid DoS'ing scraped websites when fetching the complete discography of an artist.


All the listings are not paginated by default. Whenever you request a list of either artists, albums or tracks the server will retrieve every possible result unless otherwise specified.

It is possible to paginate results by passing the page_size and the page parameters to the resource. They must both be present and be positive integers. If not, they will both be ignored and the whole set of elements will be retrieved.

An example request is GET /artists?page_size=10&page=3.

Using slugs instead of IDs

It is possible to use slugs instead of IDs when requesting an specific resource. It will work the exact same way because slugs, as IDs, are unique. An example on the /artist resource:

Example response for the request GET /artist/eterna-inocencia:

    "name": "Eterna Inocencia",
    "image": "",
    "uri": "/artist/3",
    "slug": "eterna-inocencia",
    "id": 3

Uniqueness of slugs

Slugs are generated from the following fields:

  • Track.title

If the slug clashes with an existing one, then a hyphen and a unique ID will be appended to it. Due to the possibility of using slugs instead of IDs, if an slug results in a numeric string a hyphen and a unique ID will be appended to remove the ambiguity.

Random resources

You can request a random instance of a given resource for artists, albums or tracks. To do so you need to issue a GET request on one of the following resources:

  • /random/artist
  • /random/album
  • /random/track

They all will return a consistent structure containing id and uri, as in this example response for the request GET /random/artist:

    "id": 3,
    "uri": "/artist/3"

You will have to issue another request to obtain the details of the instance.

Format conversion

No matter in which format files were indexed, it is possible to convert tracks to serve them in different formats. For this you are going to need ffmpeg installed in your system.

If you have fmpeg compiled but not installed, you can give Shiva the path to the binary in a setting, in this format:

FFMPEG_PATH = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'

You will notice that track objects contain a files attribute:

    "id": 510,
    "uri": "/track/510",
    "files": {
        "audio/mp3": "http://localhost:8080/nofx-pump_up_the_valuum/04. Dinosaurs Will Die.mp3",
        "audio/ogg": "/track/510/convert?mimetype=audio%2Fogg"

In that attribute you will find a list of all the supported formats. That list is generated from the MIMETYPES setting (see The MIMETYPES config). Just follow the link of the format you need and Shiva will convert it if necessary and serve it for you. As a client, that's all you care about.

But you may have noticed that the URI for the audio/ogg format goes through Shiva. This is because the file has not been yet converted, once you call that URI, Shiva will convert the file on the fly, cache it and redirect to the file. The next time the same track is requested, if the file exists it will be served through the file server instead of Shiva:

    "id": 510,
    "uri": "/track/510",
    "files": {
        "audio/mp3": "http://localhost:8080/nofx-pump_up_the_valuum/04. Dinosaurs Will Die.mp3",
        "audio/ogg": "http://localhost:8080/nofx-pump_up_the_valuum/04. Dinosaurs Will Die.ogg"

It's completely transparent for the client. If you want an OGG file, you just follow the "audio/ogg" URI blindly, and you will get your file. The first time will take a little longer, though.

Absolute paths

If you need absolute paths for your /convert URIs, just set the SERVER_URI setting in your local config, it will be prepended to all the URIs:


Example output:

    "files": {
        "audio/mp3": "",
        "audio/ogg": ""
    "album": {
        "id": 1,
        "uri": ""
    "length": 168,
    "number": 10,
    "title": "Away From The Sun",
    "slug": "away-from-the-sun",
    "artist": {
        "id": 1,
        "uri": ""
    "bitrate": 192000,
    "id": 1,
    "uri": ""

Remember to leave out trailing slashes.

Your converter sucks

So, you don't want to use ffmpeg, or you want to call it with different parameters, or chache files differently. That's ok, I won't take it personally.

To overwrite the Converter class to use, just define it in your config:

from shiva.myconverter import MyBetterConverter

CONVERTER_CLASS = MyBetterConverter

One option is to extend shiva.converter.Converter and overwrite the methods that offend you.

The other option is to write a completely new Converter class. If you do so, make sure to have at least the following 3 methods:

  • __init__(Track track, (str, MimeType) mimetype): Constructor accepting a path to a file and a mimetype, which could be a string in the form of 'type/subtype', or a MimeType instance.
  • convert(): Converts to a different format.
  • get_uri(): Retrieves the URI to the converted file.

The shiva.resources.ConvertResource class makes use of them.

The MimeType class

All mimetypes are represented by a class. The constructor receives the following parameters:

  • type: Would be audio in audio/ogg.
  • subtype: Would be ogg in audio/ogg.
  • extension: The extension that converted files should have.
  • acodec and/or vcodec: The codecs used by Converter.convert(). Find out the available codecs running:
$ ffmpeg -codecs

The MIMETYPES config

You will see in your config file:

    MimeType(type='audio', subtype='mp3', extension='mp3',
    MimeType(type='audio', subtype='ogg', extension='ogg',

Keep in mind that an invalid MimeType in this config will raise an InvalidMimeTypeError exception.

What's new?

There's a special resource that lets you query the database to retrieve all the resources older than a given date, at the same time:


This will return an object with the following format:

    "artists": [],
    "albums": [
            "id": 10,
            "uri": "/album/10"
    "tracks": [
            "id": 121,
            "uri": "/track/121"
            "id": 122,
            "uri": "/track/122"

Cross Origin Resource Sharing

CORS support is disabled by default because it's a browser-specific feature, and Shiva doesn't assume that the clients are browsers.

To enable CORS you have to set the following in your file:


Now Shiva will add the following header to each response:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Content-Type, Origin, X-Requested-With

If you want to limit it to a single origin, then define a tuple with the accepted domains:


Or simply a string:


When a domain (or a tuple of domains) is defined, Shiva will check the request against it. If they match, a header is added:


Bug Reports

Please report bugs, recommend enhancements or ask questions in our issue tracker. Before reporting bugs please make sure of the following:

  • The bug was not previously reported.
  • You have the latest version installed.
  • The bug is not actually a feature.


For the sake of simplicity many assumptions were made that will eventually be worked on and improved/removed.

  • Only music files. No videos. No images.
  • No users.
    • Therefore, no customization.
    • And no privacy.
  • No uploading of files.
  • No update of files' metadata when DB info changes.

Wish list

This is a (possible incomplete) list of ideas that may be eventually implemented. With time we will see which of them make sense (or not) and work on them (or not). We may add things that are not documented here as well.

  • Index also images and videos.
  • Batch-edit ID3 tags.
  • Download your tracks in batch.
  • Users.
    • Favourite artists.
    • Playlists.
    • Play count.
  • Share your music with your friends.
  • Share your music with your friends' servers.
  • Listen to your friends' music.
  • They can also upload their music.
  • Stream audio and video. (Radio mode)
  • Set up a radio and collaboratively pick the music. (Would this belong to Shiva or to another service consuming Shiva's API?)
  • Tabs.


Remember that when using this software you must comply with your country's laws. You and only you will be held responsible for any law infringement resulting from the misuse of this software.

That said. Have fun.

Why Shiva?

Shiva is the name of the crater that would have been created by the K-Pg event that extincted the dinosaurs.


A RESTful API to your music collection







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  • Python 99.9%
  • Shell 0.1%