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How Does a President Talk Their Economy into Success?

This repository contains the code to analyze the correlation between economic indicators and the emphasis on economy in US presidential speeches. We hypothesize that an administration's political focus on the economy will manifest in both its presidential speeches and the actual economy. We use NLP techniques and linear regression to quantify the emphasis in speeches and compare them with economic indicators.

Data Directory

Most data files (text corpus, economic indicators, keyword files, feature files) are saved here. We currently have three text corpora and three economic indicators.


  • Inaugural (in NLTK, only once in four years)
  • SOTUS (State of the Union Speech, once every year)
  • Oral (All Oral speeches, all speeches in the same year are concatenated to one corpus)


  • GDP growth rate
  • Export Index
  • Unemployment Rate

Indicators are from 1961 to 2018 (Export is from 1980 to 2018). Because of this, we don't have a lot of data points to work with, especially if you use the inaugural corpus. Please keep this in mind!

Code Directory

For keyword generation

  • Gets groups of keywords from wordnet. Output is keyword_group.json in the Data directory.
  • Gets group of keywords from Reuters news dataset. Output is reuters_keywords.json in the Data Directory.

If you decide to start a new approach to finding keywords, please do the following:

  1. Create new py file in Code directory.
  2. Make it create a txt or json (your choice) file in the Data directory.
  3. Add a function to that opens the txt/json file and turns the keywords into a dictionary format. (group name:[list of keywords] format)

For feature generation

  • File for computing features for text. Output is name_scores.json file in the Data directory.
  • Module file for reading text data.

If you decide to add features, please do the following:

  1. inside calc_features, please define a function that takes the corpus (list of sentences) and the feature_dict (dictionary of feature_names:feature) as input. (It can take other things as inputs too, such as total_len)
  2. The function should modify the feature_dict by adding your feature name and feature as key/value.
  3. Go to the function find_features(corpus_dict) and execute your function with the corpus and feature_dict as input.

For linear regression

  • linear regression using statsmodel library. prints the p-value and R^2 values, also saves all information to a txt file in Results. At the top you can change the STAT_NAME and CORPUS_NAME variable to test for other indicators and corpus.

I think we should keep this part simple as this part is mostly unrelated to our course. This is just to score the performance of the above steps. A smaller p-value (0 - 1, preferably <0.05) and a larger R^2 value (0 - 1, closer to 1) is desirable.


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