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Getting the site up and running for development

If you haven't done it already, install and configure virtualenvwrapper. If you are unfamiliar with virtualenvwrapper, see their documentation on their website:

mkvirtualenv lutrisweb
cd lutrisweb

Once the virtualenv is created, you need to make sure that some environment variables are exported and are set to valid values, the simplest way to achieve that is to edit the postactivate script in $VIRTUAL_ENV/lutrisweb/bin/postactivate and add your exports here. The only required environment varible is the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE one:

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="lutrisweb.settings.local"

Optionnaly, if you don't want to setup a PostgreSQL database, you can also tell the project to fallback to SQLite:

export USE_SQLITE=1

Once your virtualenv is created, you can install the system and pyhton dependencies:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick memcached libmemcached-dev mercurial bzr python-dev
make deps

In order to build the frontend code (javascript and css files), you'll need nodejs, npm, grunt and bower installed on your system. If you are running Ubuntu, it is advised to used a PPA to get the most recent version of node:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js

Once you have grunt and bower installed, you can use the following:

bower install  # Install the frontend dependencies
grunt  # Launch the default build process for frontend code
grunt less  # Only compile less stylesheets
grunt watch  # Watch for JS/CSS changes and compile them

The installer scripting documentation is not shipped with the website but with the client, if you want to build the docs, you'll need to get the client and compile the rst files into HTML. All this process is automated:

make client
make docs

Once everything is set up correctly, you should be able to run the test suite without any failures:

make test

You can now start developing on the website. Open your favorite editor and run Django's internal web server:

make run

Postgresql configuration


sudo -u postgres psql
create user lutris;
create database lutris with owner lutris;
alter user lutris createdb;
alter database lutris owner to lutris;
alter user lutris with password 'admin';

Create a user:

sudo -u postgres create user lutris

Note that the user will need to be able to create databases in order to run tests. If you have created an user without this permission, run:

sudo -u postgres psql

Creating a database:

sudo -u postgres psql
create database lutris with owner lutris;

or (in shell):

createdb lutris -O lutris

Modify database's owner:

sudo -u postgres psql
alter database lutris owner to lutris;

Change user's password:

sudo -u postgres psql
alter user lutris with password 'admin';

Dropping all tables from the database:

drop schema public cascade;
create schema public;

Backing up the database:

pg_dump lutris > lutris.sql

Restoring a backup:

psql lutris < lutris.sql

Development through Docker

[Docker]( is an open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins. The following commands allow running the Lutris website locally through Docker.

docker build -t lutris/website . docker run -p 8000:80 -v $(pwd):/app lutris/website start

About website







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  • Python 45.4%
  • CSS 39.2%
  • HTML 12.6%
  • JavaScript 1.7%
  • Makefile 0.6%
  • Nginx 0.3%
  • Shell 0.2%