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Objective of the challenge is to analyze BankSim Kaggle dataset.

For this challenge, I covered the following steps:

  • EDA
  • Training a XGB model to predict Gender
  • Hyperparameter tuning of XGB model
  • Training a Random Forest model to predict Gender
  • Hyperparameter tuning of Random Forest model
  • Model assessment
  • CLV model implementation for customer long-term values estimation

1) Repository structure

Current repository in inspired from

  /output -> Predictions
  /raw -> Raw data
  /processed -> Processed data (dataset with generated features)
  *.pkl -> Pickled trained models / Hyperopt trials
  *.json -> Model parameters
  EDA.ipynb -> Use for EDA
  CLV.ipynb -> Use to validate CLV predictions
  assess.ipynb -> Use for assessing model performance
/src --> Generate features for classification --> Train ML model --> Run Hyperopt with TPE --> Class to make it easier to fit multiple models --> Search space used for optimization --> Run CLV to predict long-term values
      *.sql --> SQL scripts
Makefile -> Use to simplify pipeline execution
requirements.txt -> Packages to install -> Use to install current package

2) Quickstart

Before anything else, you must download the dataset bs140513_032310.csv from Kaggle and paste it into data/raw folder.

If you would like to get started ASAP, run these make commands in the following order:
make venv --> Set-up python virtual environment
make features --> Generate features
make train_xgb --> Train initial XGB model for gender classification
make optimize_xgb --> Run Hyperopt hyperparameter optimizer for XGB model
make train_opt_xgb --> Train optimal XGB model for gender classification
make train_rf --> Train initial Random Forest model for gender classification
make optimize_rf --> Run Hyperopt hyperparameter optimizer for Random Forest model
make train_opt_rf --> Train optimal Random Forest model for gender classification
make clv --> Run CLV model to predict long-term values

3) Set-up Environment

Run the following command:
make venv
It will install all necessary packages used in this challenge.

4) Exploratory Data Analysis

EDA is available in notebook notebooks/EDA.ipynb.

In this notebook, I am exploring each variable in the dataset and how they correlate with Gender which is our ML problem outcome variable. I also try building more insightful features which will help us achieve better results on our ML task.

5) Classification using XGBoost

Second model is a XGBoost model.
This model was chosen as it yields good results without much data transformation (such as normalization, clipping etc...) required.
Its parameters can be found in params/def_xgb_model.json.

  "name": "xgb",
  "clf": "XGBClassifier",
  "params": {
    "max_depth": 4,
    "n_estimators": 100,
    "learning_rate": 0.05,
    "n_jobs": -1,
    "objective": "binary:logistic",
    "colsample_bytree": 0.5,
    "gamma": 1

a) Training initial XGB model

I use 90% of the data for training and the remaining 10% for validation to assess that model doesn't overfit and generalizes Ill to new data.

Run the following command:
make train_xgb

You should reach an AUC of {} for the validation set.
This is a very low score which shows our model didn't learn successfully on our classification task.

b) Optimize model

To try reaching better results, I optimize model parameters.
I use hyperopt package for that purpose and our objective is to maximize validation AUC using K-Folds with K=10. TPE algorithm is picked to search the space for the best parameters.

Search history is dumped at every round in models/opt_xgb_trials.pkl so that optimizer can be stopped and resumed anytime.

To run the optimizer, run the following command:
make optimize_xgb

c) Training optimized XGB model

Its parameters can be found in params/opt_xgb_model.json.

	"name": "opt_xgb",
	"clf": "XGBClassifier",
	"params": {
		"colsample_bytree": 0.5,
		"eta": 0.157,
		"gamma": 0.5700000000000001,
		"max_depth": 3,
		"min_child_Iight": 5.0,
		"n_estimators": 162.0,
		"subsample": 0.1

Run the following command:
make train_opt

Validation AUC is improved to .
It is still not great but it shows the model learnt a bit

6) Classification using RandomForest

I try to use another model.
I picked RandomForest as it is less prone to overfitting than Gradient Boosting Algorithm.

Its parameters can be found in params/def_rf_model.json.

a) Training initial RandomForest model

Run the following command:
make train_rf

b) Optimize model

To run the optimizer, run the following command:
make optimize_rf

c) Training optimized RandomForest model

Its parameters can be found in params/opt_rf_model.json.

	"name": "opt_rf",
	"clf": "RandomForestClassifier",
	"params": {
		"ccp_alpha": 0.007,
		"class_weight": "balanced",
		"max_depth": 1,
		"max_features": 0.92,
		"max_leaf_nodes": 3,
		"max_samples": 0.64,
		"n_estimators": 209.0,
		"n_jobs": -1,
		"verbose": 0,
		"warm_start": false

6) Model assessment

Model is assessed in notebook notebooks/assess.ipynb.

In this notebook, I am investigating different plots and metrics to assess model performance.
I am also looking at feature importance for model interpretability.

7) Predict customer long-term values

To find out customer long-term values, I use a package called lifetimes.
It combines 2 bayesian models (BG/NBD and Gamma-Gamma models).
Both models require at most RFM features (Recency, Frequency, Monetary).
BG/NBD predicts expected number of future purchases per customer.
Gamma-Gamma predicts expected amount for each purchase per customer.
Multiplying both provides customer long-term values.


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