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About This App

This is a facebook app game for learning SAT vocab. It presents one definition and two words together at the same time and the player must quickly choose which word fits the definition before the time runs out. As correct answers are given, the time continues to get faster. Three incorrect answers and you're out.

The app requires facebook login to track your scores, and see your friends scores and how you rank against them.

The app is built with coffeescript, backbone.js, SASS and django. Since its no longer being maintained, we've decided to open source it!


Vocab Game Screenshot

Installation Instructions


  • pip
  • a virtualenv

Install Packages

First install all the necessary python packages from the included requirements file using pip

pip install -r requirements.txt

Customize DB Settings

Create and give it your DB details. It will work with any kind of database you want, but to see 'friends scores', you must use postgres since that uses raw SQL to do the rankings. Heres a sqlite example

    'default': {
        'USER': '',                      # Not used with sqlite3.
        'PASSWORD': '',                  # Not used with sqlite3.
        'HOST': '',                      # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3.
        'PORT': '',                      # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3.

Customize Facebook Settings

Since the app requires facebook login, jump over to (facebook)[] and make yourself an app. Fill the like so:


FACEBOOK_APP_ID          = '<app id>'
FACEBOOK_API_SECRET      = '<secret>'

Finally set THIS_HOST to the "Site URL" you specified in the facebook developer page e.g. SITE_URL = ''

Configure the DB

Get the DB up to sync with syncdb and south

./ syncdb
./ migrate vocab
./ migrate accounts

And if its the first time, pull in the sample content provided in the fixtures file

./ loaddata vocab/fixtures/words_defs_levels.json

Run It!

./ runserver 8000


Derek Dahmer - All code

Evanglos Kramvis - Sample Vocab Content