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OERPScenario - Business Driven Development (BDD) for OpenERP/Odoo

OERPScenario is a tool to allow Business Driven Development (BDD). It allows non-technical people to write real business cases, that will be tested in Odoo to ensure no regressions.

OERPScenario allows to detect regressions from one version to another by running a test suite composed of scenarios on a specified Odoo server (directly on the customer replication instance, or just on the lastest stable release).

It also includes in this brand new version written in Python and based on Erppeek ( a complete DSL that allows you to write tests at the speed of thought.

This means a business specialist can write something like the following: :

Scenario: SO013 CREATION
    Given I need a "sale.order" with name: SO013 and oid: scenario.anglosaxon_SO013
    And having:
    | name                | value                    |
    | date_order          | %Y-03-15                 |
    | name                | SO013                    |
    | partner_id          | by name: Simpson         |
    | pricelist_id        | by id: 1                 |
    | partner_invoice_id  | by name: Simpson         |
    | partner_order_id    | by name: Simpson         |
    | partner_shipping_id | by name: Simpson         |
    | shop_id             | by name: a shop          |
    | company_id          | by oid base.main_company |
    Given I need a "sale.order.line" with oid: scenario.anglosaxon_SO013_line1
    And having:
    | name            | value                             |
    | name            | SO013_line1                       |
    | product_id      | by code: 2003                     |
    | price_unit      | 450                               |
    | product_uom_qty | 1.0                               |
    | product_uom     | by name: PCE                      |
    | order_id        | by oid: scenario.anglosaxon_SO013 |

OERPscenario allows you to connect to a remote or local instance using XMLRPC. For faster results or when working with huge data, OERPScenario can embed an Odoo/OpenERP service. This is possible if Odoo/OpenERP is available in syspath. Using the Anybox buildout recipe in conjunction with OERPScenario is a good way to achieve this


pip install oerpscenario


Checkout your own scenario branch, then run the following command :

openerp_scenario  Scenario/OERPScenario.local/ -t backend -k --server-config etc/openerp.cfg

This will run an enhanced version of behave. The -k option will only show executed scenario, -t will filter specific scenarios from the tags.

For more information, please refer to behave documentation:

If you want to use pdb you have to set --no-capture option when launching openerp_scenario.

Configuration file

We try to be compatible with the Odoo configuration file Generated by the Anybox buildout recipe. A minimal configuration file should look like this: :

# mandatory values
# database name
db_name = openerp_dev_mydatabase

# optional values (default value below)
# server public URL
server_url = http://localhost
# XMLRP Port
xmlrpc_port = 8069
# Password to manage database
admin_passwd = admin
# User that oerpscenario will use
admin_login = admin
# oerpscenario user password
admin_login_password = admin

Anatomy of a custom scenario folder

If you want to create your own custom scenario for your project, you should use the guidelines below. The folder should be organized as follows:

├── data
│   ├── account_chart.csv
│   └── logo.png
└── features
    ├── setup
    │   ├── 01_installation.feature
    │   └── 02_installation_after_import.feature
    ├── addons
    ├── steps
    ├── stories
    └── upgrade
  • data: contains non code related data for your scenarios.
  • features: mandatory folder, contains all features.
  • setup: contains features required to set up all required data to run your tests.
  • addons: contains addons specific tests, small independent scenarios.
  • stories: contains user/workflow tests that are related.
  • upgrade: scenario to update an instance.
  • steps: contains Python code implementing the Gherkin phrases


Business Driven Development (BDD) for OpenERP/Odoo







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  • Gherkin 78.5%
  • Python 21.5%