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GoingPostal is a web app that lets you visually track your online purchases as they travel to their destinations. It searches for shipment confirmation emails in Gmail, finds tracking numbers (currently only UPS tracking numbers), asks UPS for the package's movements, converts city names to latitude and longitude coordinates, and plots the package's progress on a Google map.

GoingPostal was created during the Summer 2014 Hackbright Academy Software Engineering Fellowship.

alt text

App Architecture

Presentation Layer: HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, and Bootstrap
Application Layer: Python, Flask
Data Layer: SQLite, SQLAlchemy
APIs: Google OAuth, Gmail, UPS Tracking, Google Geocoding, Google Maps Javascript v3

Installation Instructions

Clone and Install

Clone or fork the repository. Create and activate a virtual environment within the project directory. Then install the all of the app's dependencies:

git clone
cd GoingPostal
virtualenv virtualenv
. virtualenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Add your API Keys

To run GoingPostal, you will need to create your own Google Developer account and your own My UPS account in order to request the necessary access keys. Follow the service provider's instructions.

1. Google OAuth 2.0 credentials
Create a Google Developer account and take note of where to find your Client ID and Client Secret for web applications in the developer console.

2. Configure the web app in your Google Developer Console
Edit the web applications section to set the redirect URI to:
to run GoingPostal out of the box locally.

3. Google Geocoding and Google Maps Javascript API v3 browser key
In your Google Developer Console, create a new Public API access key for browser applications. Update the Referrers value to:

4. Turn on Google's web services
In your Google Developer Console, turn the following services "on":

  • Gmail API
  • Geocoding
  • Google Maps JavaScript API v3

5. UPS Developer Kit
Register with My UPS and request an Access key.

6. Create a Flask Secret Key
In order to use sessions in Flask, you will need a secret key. The Flask Sessions documentation shows you how to generate one.

I have stored my keys in my ~/.bash_profile, and then point to them in You should not need to change, but your .bash_profile should look something like this:

## For Google OAuth
export GOOGLE_ID=<put your CLIENT ID here, no quotes>
export GOOGLE_SECRET=<your CLIENT SECRET here, no quotes>

## For Flask Sessions
export SECRET_KEY="your key in quotes"

## For GoingPostal Google Maps
export GOOGLE_MAPS="your browser API key in quotes"

Create the Database

To create the database and tables, cd into your local GoingPostal directory and type the following commands into your command line interface:

python -i

Hit ctrl + c to issue a keyboard interrupt and start the interactive python interpreter. Type:

from app import model

Run the App

In the GoingPostal directory, type this command to start the server:


Open a web browser and navigate to:

##Contribute to GoingPostal
I've got no shortage of potential features for GoingPostal. Feel free to pitch in on any of the ones below, or fork this repo and work on your own feature ideas!

  1. More carriers! FedEx and the US Postal Service would be handy.
  2. Add a marker to show a package's last location on the map.
  3. Expand a shipment table row on click to show all of the package's movements.
  4. Filter only for undelivered packages.
  5. Write a cron job to check for package location updates without needing to be logged in and using the app.
  6. Send the user a text message when a package is marked as delivered.


A package tracking web app







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