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To run install all modules in 'requirements.txt' and run 'python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg'.

Run the driver program to:
    1. Load data
    2. Preprocess tweets
    3. Extract bag-of-word features
    4. Train and test a Naive Bayes model on bag-of-words features
    5. Train and test a Naive Bayes model on bag-of-words features with stocks as an additional feature
    6. Train and test LinearSVC, MultiNomial NB with TFIDF, PolySVC, and RbfSVC using k-fold cross validation with stocks as an additional feature
    7. Train and test LinearSVC, MultiNomial NB with TFIDF, PolySVC, and RbfSVC using k-fold cross validation with stocks as an additional feature
    8. Extract tweet2vec features
    9. Train and test a Naive Bayes model on tweet2vec features
    10. Train and test a Naive Bayes model on tweet2vec features with stocks as an additional feature
    11. Train and test LinearSVC, PolySVC, and RbfSVC using k-fold cross validation
    12. Train and test LinearSVC, PolySVC, and RbfSVC using k-fold cross validation with stocks as an additional feature 


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