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The code in this GitHub repository is associated with the following paper published in GigaScience:

Bedoya-Reina et al., (2013) Galaxy tools to study genome diversity. GigaScience 2:17

This repository houses the Galaxy wrappers for the Genome Diversity set of tools developed by Webb Miller's group at the Department of Biology at Penn State. Each Galaxy tool is dependent on one or more associated Tool Shed packages which provides access to one or more specific binary executables.

Folder structure

There is one directory for each tool which has been wrapped for use in Galaxy and these are contained within the tools folder. The dependencies folder contains the packages for the Galaxy tool dependency definitions.

The test-data directory contains data files which are used for functional tests by the Galaxy wrappers.


These Galaxy tools are to be used from within a Galaxy server. They can be automatically installed via the GigaScience Tool Shed which handles their required dependencies. All tools can be manually installed too. Documentation for automatically and manually installing each Galaxy SOAP tool can be found within the tools' README file.


Functional tests for most of the tools can be found in the tool's XML configuration file.


Galaxy wrappers for the Genome Diversity set of tools from Bedoya-Reina et al., (2013) Galaxy tools to study genome diversity. GigaScience 2:17







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