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API Star

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An API framework for Flask & Falcon.

  • Flask and Falcon backends.
  • Automatic schema & documentation generation.
  • Dynamic client libraries for interacting with your APIs.


Python 2.7 or 3.4+.

Getting started

For this example we'll use Flask.

$ pip install api-star
$ pip install flask flask-cli

Here's our first API, which takes a date as a string like "2000-01-01", and returns the day of the week, such as "Saturday". Put this in a file named

from api_star.decorators import validate
from api_star.frameworks.flask import App
from api_star.validators import iso_date

app = App(__name__, title='Day of Week API')

def day_of_week(date):
    Returns the day of the week, for the given date.
    return {'day': date.strftime('%A')}

Now let's run the service:

$ flask --app=example --debug run

Now we can interact with the API

$ curl
{"day": "Sunday"}

Alternative backends

We can also switch over to using the Falcon backend. First we'll edit the App import line.

from api_star.frameworks.falcon import App

Now install Falcon and the gunicorn WSGI server, and start the API again:

$ pip install falcon gunicorn
$ gunicorn -b localhost:5000 example:app

Documentation & schema generation

API Star provides support for automatic documentation and schema generation. Let's add an endpoint that will render API documentation to support this.

from api_star.renderers import corejson_renderer, docs_renderer

@app.get('/', renderers=[corejson_renderer(), docs_renderer()], exclude_from_schema=True)
def root():
    return app.schema

Now when we visit the endpoint in a browser we get some API documentation.

Documentation screenshot

Or if we request the endpoint with a command-line client, we get a schema.

$ curl
{"_type":"document","_meta":{"title":"Day of Week API"},"day_of_week":{"_type":"link","url":"/day-of-week/","action":"GET","description":"Returns the day of the week, for the given date.","fields":[{"name":"date","required":true,"location":"query"}]}}

Client libraries

Once you've included a schema, clients can inspect and interact with your deployed API using the coreapi command-line client.

$ pip install coreapi
$ coreapi get
<Day of Week API "">
$ coreapi action day_of_week --param date 1979-03-04
{"day": "Sunday"}


Call API functions directly:

assert day_of_week(date='2000-01-01') == {'day': 'Saturday'}

Use TestSession to call into your API using the requests library:

from api_star.test import TestSession
from my_project import app

session = TestSession(app)
response = session.get('/day-of-week/', params={'date': '2000-01-01'})
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.json() == {'day': 'Saturday'}


Use Environment to configure your application based on environment variables:

from api_star import validators
from api_star.environment import Environment

env = Environment(
    DEBUG=(validators.boolean(), "True"),
    SECRET_KEY=(validators.string(), "290f6f17c13945aa")

env.DEBUG  # Defaults to `True`, unless environment variable is set.


An API framework for Flask & Falcon.






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