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HCDE 411 Python Lab #3 Building Interactive Web Visualization in Python via Plotly/Dash

This repository contains exercise codes for you to learn how to use Dash to build interactive web visualization. The ultimate outcome of this lab is to set up a Heroku instance to run your own python visualization work, just like what we have: .

Initial Setup

Before start working on this lab, you should accept our GitHub Classroom assignment to get a copy of this repository. The new repository should be named hcde411-wi19/dash-demo-<your github account>.

You should also register a Heroku account. You can find instructions for registering Heroku in our lab slides.

Once you get your own repository and have a Heroku account, we can set up an automatic deployment from GitHub on Heroku. Again, the detailed steps can be found on our slides.

If you do the setup correctly, you should be able to see a live version of this repository on the Heroku URL you configure. It should be in the format of https://<your app name> (without <>). Demo


Exercise #1: Multiple Barchart

File to work on:

Change our initial codes to contain not only total usage of the trail, but also breakdowns of the types of usage (Ped N, Ped S, Bike N, Bike S). The final view should look like the following picture: Exercise 1 finished

Exercise #2: Visualize Data of Your Choice

File to work on:

Create another visualization of your choice of data and chart type. You can use pandas to help loading data, or just hard-coded the data is fine.

Exercise #3: Add Interactivity

File to work on:

Create a visualization with interactivity. Similar to Exercise 2, you can decide what you want to use as data and chart type.


dash-demo-timnitbekele created by GitHub Classroom






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