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A Django-based website.

Quick start

Machine Dependencies

  • Install NodeJS v0.10.26: brew install node.
  • Install virtualenv: pip install virtualenv or easy_install virtualenv.
  • Install postgresql: brew install postgresql. You might encounter some issues with the installation of PostgreSQL, make sure your read every information from brew.
  • Install foreman package:

App installation

  • Execute make install.
  • Edit .env file (secret keys, database config).
  • Start postgres server.
  • Create a famille database in Postgres: psql -h localhost -d postgres and create database famille;.
  • Load application fixtures: make fixtures.

Up and running

  • Setup the database: foreman run ./ syncdb and foreman run ./ migrate.
  • Execute foreman run ./ runserver and access to http://localhost:8000.

Updating your environment

Whenever changes are pulled from remote repository, both database schema and dependencies might be updated. You just have to run make up to be up to date.

Static pages (Flat pages)

Static pages are a good way to make content editable by user. Some pages are required in the website. To load them (and maybe edit them), you can perform foreman run ./ loaddata flatpages.json

Once you edited the flatpages in the django admin, and you want to commit your changes so that every app (heroku app for instance) has the changes, you can execute foreman run ./ dumpdata flatpages --indent=4 > fixtures/flatpages.json before commiting your changes to git.

Migrating SQL Tables

This project uses South. When you modify a model class (adding / removing / modifying column), you just need to execute make schemamigration to migrate the database schema. And then you need to apply it to the database by doing make migrate. While deploying on servers, you only need to migrate since the schemamigration files are already there, because they are versionned.

App settings

Some settings are tweakable:

  • ALLOW_BASIC_PLAN_IN_SEARCH: set to True to allow basic plans to be in search results.