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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 29, 2018. It is now read-only.


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Now with Github deploys!


Run in Postman


  1. Install docker toolbox
  2. Initialize your docker machine system if you have not already: docker-machine start default
  3. Create a .env file at the root of the project. (See below for .env contents)
  4. Run our startup script: . ./scripts/
  5. In a new shell run docker-machine ip default to find out the IP address of your container
  6. Visit site at <my-ip>:5000
  7. Run commands inside the container like such: docker-compose run web python migrate

Other Considerations

  • You will need a .env file in the root of your project that defines the following keys:

      SECRET_KEY=<your_secret_key>                 (random key used by django)
      BUILDER_URL=<franklin_builder_url>           (where api can call the running builder)
      API_BASE_URL=<franklin_api_url>              (used for services like github to call. usually an ngrok url for testing)
      GITHUB_SECRET=<for_validating_github_webhook_messages>    (random key used to secure communication with github)
      OWNER_WHITELIST=<github_owner_names>           (Only projects owned by owners on this list will be deployed. Blank allows all.)
  • Projects you wish to be deployed by franklin will need a .franklin.yml file in their root. Below is an example of the file contents with defaults that Franklin will use if you don't specify them.

      build_path: '/public'
      # Comment - Future support for settings like 'node_version' likely coming

Viewing models at /admin

  1. create a superuser docker-compose run web python createsuperuser
  2. Login as super user as

Making Changes to the Code

  • If your code change includes a new requirement, you will likely have to run docker-compose build. This will re-run the build step which will include a pip install of all requirements.


  • Details on how to test locally can be found here