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Cloud controller node for OpenStack nova. Contains nova-schedule, nova-api, nova-network and nova-objectstore.

If console access is required then console-proxy-ip should be set to a client accessible IP that resolves to the nova-cloud-controller. If running in HA mode then the public vip is used if console-proxy-ip is set to local. Note: The console access protocol is baked into a guest when it is created, if you change it then console access for existing guests will stop working

Special considerations to be deployed using Postgresql

juju deploy nova-cloud-controller
juju deploy postgresql
juju add-relation "nova-cloud-controller:pgsql-nova-db" "postgresql:db"
juju add-relation "nova-cloud-controller:pgsql-neutron-db" "postgresql:db"

Deploying from source

The minimum openstack-origin-git config required to deploy from source is:

openstack-origin-git: include-file://nova-juno.yaml

    - {name: requirements,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: stable/juno}
    - {name: nova,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: stable/juno}

Note that there are only two 'name' values the charm knows about: 'requirements' and 'nova'. These repositories must correspond to these 'name' values. Additionally, the requirements repository must be specified first and the nova repository must be specified last. All other repositories are installed in the order in which they are specified.

The following is a full list of current tip repos (may not be up-to-date):

openstack-origin-git: include-file://nova-master.yaml

    - {name: requirements,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: oslo-concurrency,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: oslo-config,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: oslo-context,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: oslo-db,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: oslo-i18n,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: oslo-log,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: oslo-messaging,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: oslo-middleware,
       repository': 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: oslo-rootwrap',
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: oslo-serialization,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: oslo-utils,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: pbr,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: stevedore,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: 'master'}
    - {name: sqlalchemy-migrate,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: python-cinderclient,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: python-glanceclient,
       repository': 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: python-neutronlient,
       repository': 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: keystonemiddleware,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}
    - {name: nova,
       repository: 'git://',
       branch: master}

Network Space support

This charm supports the use of Juju Network Spaces, allowing the charm to be bound to network space configurations managed directly by Juju. This is only supported with Juju 2.0 and above.

API endpoints can be bound to distinct network spaces supporting the network separation of public, internal and admin endpoints.

To use this feature, use the --bind option when deploying the charm:

juju deploy nova-cloud-controller --bind "public=public-space internal=internal-space admin=admin-space"

alternatively these can also be provided as part of a juju native bundle configuration:

  charm: cs:xenial/nova-cloud-controller
  num_units: 1
    public: public-space
    admin: admin-space
    internal: internal-space

NOTE: Spaces must be configured in the underlying provider prior to attempting to use them.

NOTE: Existing deployments using os-*-network configuration options will continue to function; these options are preferred over any network space binding provided if set.


Juju Charm - Nova Cloud Controller






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  • Python 99.5%
  • Other 0.5%