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FzDAQ is an acquisition software for FAZIA experiment. FAZIA stands for the Four Pi A and Z Identification Array. This is a project which aims at building a new 4pi particle detector for charged particles. It operates in the domain of heavy-ion induced reactions around the Fermi energy and it groups together more than 10 institutions worldwide in Nuclear Physics. A large effort on research and development is currently made, especially on digital electronics and pulse shape analysis, in order to improve the detection capabilities of such particle detectors in different domains, such as charge and mass identification, lower energy thresholds, as well as improved energetic and angular resolutions.

FzDAQ is composed by different modules that exchange messages and events through ZeroMQ sockets:

  • FzReader: it acquires by UDP socket FAZIA raw data from Regional Board that aggregates multiple detector blocks. It forwards data to FzParser thread pool.

  • FzParser: each FzParser includes a FzFSM (Finite State Machine) able to analyze and validate each acquired event. Multiple FzParser threads can be running on multi-core machine in order to benefit from tasks parallel execution. They forward data to FzWriter module.

  • FzWriter: this module store data in files and directories with Google Protobuf data format. It also runs a data spy in order to allow online data processing and analysis from external data visualization tools.

  • FzNodeManager: local supervisor for FzReader/FzParser or FzWriter that run on each FzDAQ deployed machine. It sends a report on modules status to FzController and it receives run control and setup commands for modules management.

  • FzController: global supervisor for all FzNodeManager modules. It offers a global view on whole FzDAQ cluster status and accept commands for FzDAQ setup and run control.


A single FzDAQ node (=server) can run one of these combination of modules (profile):

  • profile compute

    • 1 FzReader thread
    • n FzParser threads
    • 1 FzNodeManager thread
  • profile storage

    • 1 FzWriter thread
    • 1 FzNodeManager thread
  • profile all

    • 1 FzReader thread
    • n FzParser threads
    • 1 FzWriter thread
    • 1 FzNodeManager thread
  • FzDAQ controller

    • 1 FzController thread


  • distribution: Debian 8.x

  • install base dependencies

    apt-get update

    apt-get install git screen g++ autoconf automake libprotobuf9 libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libboost-thread1.55.0 libboost-thread1.55-dev liblog4cpp5 liblog4cpp5-dev libboost-system1.55.0 libboost-system1.55-dev libboost-program-options1.55.0 libboost-program-options1.55-dev libzmq3 libzmq3-dev libconfig++9 libconfig++-dev libudev1 libudev-dev

  • Weblog message interface dependencies

    apt-get install libcurl3 libcurl4-openssl-dev

  • ActiveMQ log service dependencies and build

    apt-get install libapr1 libapr1-dev libssl-dev

    download ActiveMQ CPP library from


    compile and install ActiveMQ CPP library in /usr/local/lib

    tar xzf activemq-cpp-library-3.9.3-src.tar.gz ; cd activemq-cpp-library-3.9.3

    ./configure ; make ; make install ; ldconfig

  • clone FzDAQ GIT master branch

    git clone

  • generate configure script

    autoreconf -ivf

  • configure parameters

    --with-boost-libdir	  directory for Boost libraries
    --enable-weblog         enable WebLog message interface
  • run configure

    ./configure --prefix=/opt/FzDAQ --with-boost-libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-weblog

  • start build



  • To install FzDAQ binaries in default directory (/opt/FzDAQ/bin) run:

    make install

Command line arguments

The main executables of FzDAQ are 'FzDAQ-mt' and 'FzController'.

FzDAQ-mt command line options:

option mandatory value default description
--help no - - produce help message
--cfg yes config_file - configuration file
--profile no {compute, storage, all} all profile to start

FzController command line options:

option mandatory value default description
--help no - - produce help message
--cfg yes config_file - configuration file


FzDAQ configuration file format is based on libconfig and each module properties are defined in a separate config section. This is a sample of config section:

fzreader: {
      consumer: {
         url = "udp://eth0:50000";
      producer: {
         url = "inproc://fzreader";     # push - bind

Some config file examples are available in GIT repository config directory. To explain various configuration attributes we will use the following convention: the attribute 'url' in the sample section above will be defined as


Configuration options will be listed in related module table.

A ZeroMQ endpoint is a string composed by:


The transport specifies the underlying protocol to use. The address specifies the transport-specific address to connect to. Address can be replaced by network interface name (e.g. eth0) when an endpoint is related to a ZeroMQ server (= receive ZeroMQ messages)

In the table below if a config attribute has a value in "linked to" field it means that it must contains the same value of linked attribute. Each field provides a default value and, in principle, there is no need to specify these attributes.

Global configuration attributes

cfgfile attribute mandatory default description
evformat yes - set to 'basic' or 'tag' event format
logpropfile no /etc/default/fazia/ log property file

FzReader configuration attributes

cfgfile attribute 0MQ endpoint linked to default description
fzreader.consumer.url udp://<netif>:<port> - udp://eth0:5000 UDP socket to bind for event acquisition
fzreader.producer.url inproc://<label> fzparser.consumer.url inproc://fzreader 0MQ channel between FzReader and FzParser

FzParser configuration attributes

cfgfile attribute 0MQ endpoint linked to default description
fzparser.consumer.url inproc://<label> fzreader.producer.url inproc://fzreader 0MQ channel between FzReader and FzParser
fzparser.producer.url inproc://<label> fzwriter.consumer.url inproc://fzwriter 0MQ channel between FzParser and FzWriter
cfgfile attribute mandatory default description
fzparser.nthreads no 1 number of FzParser threads to allocate

FzWriter configuration attributes

cfgfile attribute 0MQ endpoint linked to default description
fzwriter.consumer.url inproc://<label> fzparser.producer.url inproc://fzwriter 0MQ channel between FzParser and FzWriter
cfgfile attribute mandatory default description
fzwriter.subdir yes - base output directory
fzwriter.runtag no run label for run directory identification (e.g. LNS, GANIL)
fzwriter.runid yes - id for run identification (e.g. 100, 205)
fzwriter.esize no 10 max size of event file in Mbytes
fzwriter.dsize no 100 max size of event directory in Mbytes
fzwriter.spy.interface no * network interface to bind for events spy

FzNodeManager configuration attributes

cfgfile attribute mandatory default description
fznodemanager.runcontrol_mode yes - local or remote run control mode
fznodemanager.interface no eth0 network interface for run control
fznodemanager.stats.ip yes no IP address of FzController

FzController configuration attributes

cfgfile attribute mandatory default description
fzcontroller.interface no eth0 report collector network interface
fzcontroller.weblog.url no - Weblog url
fzcontroller.weblog.username no - Weblog username
fzcontroller.weblog.interval no - Weblog time interval report in seconds

EPICS plugin

Implementation details

This section provides information about FzDAQ internal implementations.

ZeroMQ sockets

module type port description destination
FzReader ZMQ_PUSH (cfgfile) producer to FzParser
FzParser ZMQ_PULL (cfgfile) consumer from FzReader
FzParser ZMQ_PUSH (cfgfile) producer to FzWriter
FzWriter ZMQ_PULL (cfgfile) consumer from FzParser
FzWriter ZMQ_PUB :5563 publisher spy
FzNodeManager ZMQ_PUSH - producer to FzController - node report
FzNodeManager ZMQ_REP :5550 reply from FzController - run control & setup commands - with reply
FzNodeManager ZMQ_PULL :6660 consumer from FzController - run control & setup commands - without reply
FzController ZMQ_PULL :7000 consumer from FzNodeManager - collector report
FzController ZMQ_REP :5555 reply from outside - run control & setup commands


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  • C++ 44.9%
  • C 40.1%
  • Python 7.9%
  • M4 6.3%
  • Shell 0.4%
  • Makefile 0.3%
  • PureBasic 0.1%