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Create and analyze a HAR HTML archive from an URL using Python and Selenium

Create and analyze a HAR HTML archive from an URL using Python and Selenium.

A HAR archive has very important SLA metrics about a web page (including all its elements), like the different timings and profiling in the HTTP operations to request and retrieve each component in the web page (the values below are in milliseconds):

                "dns": 66,
                "connect": 34,
                "send": 0,
                "ssl": -1,
                "wait": 41,
                "blocked": 0
                "receive": 180,

to stand for the dns resolution delay, the tcp connect delay, ssl, send, wait, blocked, and the tcp receive delays, respectively. (The value -1 represents Use -1 if the timing does not apply to the current request: see the W3 specification on the HAR format below.)

The HAR archive gives other profiling information about the URLs of the components of a web page, like their MIME-types and sizes, besides the URLs themselves:

                "content": {
                    "mimeType": "application/x-javascript",
                    "comment": "",
                    "size": 7163

For more information about HAR archives:

For the importance on timing, see, for example:


This project is a work in progress. The implementation is incomplete and subject to change. The documentation can be inaccurate.

Usage example:

This program will create two output files, a .har file with the HAR HTML archive, and a .prof with a report of some basic profiling taken from the HAR file, like (for -values are in milliseconds):

    Response status: 200
    Response size: 169
    Response type: application/javascript
    startedDateTime: 2015-09-10T21:14:50.836-04:00
    timings['receive']: 2541
    timings['send']: 0
    timings['ssl']: -1
    timings['connect']: 3
    timings['dns']: 4
    timings['blocked']: 0
    timings['wait']: 69

This invocation:

  ./  -w chrome  -m 10  -t image/jpeg

will generate a HAR HTML archive for the URL, and a .PROF summary profile with only those URLs which any timing component of it took at least -m 10 milliseconds, and whose MIME type matches with -t image/jpeg, using for all this the Selenium Google Chrome webdriver. E.g. (timings are in milliseconds and sizes in bytes):

    Response status: 200
    Response size: 434348
    Response type: image/jpeg
    startedDateTime: 2015-09-11T20:49:05.990-04:00
    timings['receive']: 643
    timings['wait']: 33

(The saved .har HAR HTML archive has all the information retrieved from the URL, so it is not affected by the filtering, in this example -m 10 -t image/jpeg, which only affects the profiling report in the generated .prof file.)

Required libraries and auxiliary programs

The Python module for the Selenium Web Browser automation, like, e.g., by:

pip  install  selenium

Or with Anaconda distribution of Python:

conda install --channel selenium

The BrowserMob Proxy is also necessary, since it caches all the HAR information about the webpage:

(Note: unzip does not always extracts the browsermob-proxy executable with the right executable permissions, so you may need to adjust them after unzipping:

chmod a+x <PATH-TO>/bin/browsermob-proxy

You may need to have the Java Runtime installed in order to run browsermob-proxy. Please check the server.log file for any issues regarding browsermob-proxy, which may have lines like:

Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly.


You also need the Python module for the BrowserMob Proxy:

 pip install browsermob-proxy

( )

The program allows to use several types of Selenium webdrivers: to use one webdriver, you don't need the others installed. The custom paths for the webdrivers in your system should be put in the config file .generate_har_file.conf since the program does a basic verification that they are valid. This config file can be located either in the current directory (checked first) or in the base $HOME directory.

If you want to use the PhantomJS webdriver (--web_driver phantomjs), you need to:

 Install NodeJS

 Install PhantomJS, like by the NodeJS package manager

       npm -g install phantomjs

(Note: Debian and Ubuntu users may have issues while installing the phantomjs package, because its installer expects the node interpreter, but in Debian the interpreter is called nodejs, while node (/usr/sbin/node) is a different program. There are several ways around, including a node symlink to /usr/bin/nodejs in a directory in the PATH environment variable before /usr/sbin. (Read /usr/share/doc/nodejs/README.Debian for more details.))

For the Mozilla Firefox webdriver (option --web_driver firefox), you need to have Firefox installed.

To use the Google Chrome webdriver (option --web_driver chrome), you need to have it installed, plus the Selenium chromedriver webdriver:

In Mac OS:

   brew install chromedriver

or download the chromedriver webdriver directly from:

(according to its latest release in:


To use the Apple Safari webdriver (option --web_driver safari), you need to have it installed and:

 1. Install the Java JAR archive for the Selenium Standalone Server:



 2. Install the Selenium webdriver for Safari, following these
    instructions (otherwise Selenium would start Safari but
    time-out trying to connect to it):

    which refers to the Selenium Safari webdriver here:

Other schemas to obtain performance profiling data

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has developed other schemas to obtain performance profiling data of web browsing, in which the browsers may offer this information as an API interface available from bein called inside the webpage (and not as an archive format or report, as the HAR HTML archive is):

Known issues

The Selenium webdriver for Safari seems to have issues setting the proxy (the BrowserMob Proxy), so, while the script is able to load the URL in Safari, it is not able to retrieve the HAR HTML archive from BrowserMob Proxy. According to the Java source code to wrap Safari:


where, to set a proxy for Safari (like BrowserMob Proxy), it needs to change the System Proxy (see below the method private void setupSystemProxy() { ... } in this file):

 protected void launch(String url) {
   if (!"honorSystemProxy")) {

   if ( {

 private void setupSystemProxy() {
   if (WindowsUtils.thisIsWindows()) {
   } else {


create and analyze a HAR HTML archive in Python from an URL using Selenium







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