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Present Finder

alt text Present Finder is a fullstack web application that helps users find presents for events based on their contacts' interests. When the user enters a contact's events and interests, a list of suggested presents will be generated. The user can bookmark presents, get notifications for upcoming events, see past presents they have given someone, and more!


  • Notifications for upcoming events
  • Data visualization for user's events in a year
  • Track contacts and their events
  • Search Amazon for products
  • Find presents for contacts based on interests
  • Track current, past and bookmarked presents
  • See similar products on product detail page


alt text This is the user's homepage with a bar graph created in Chart.js. It also lists the user's contacts and events for the current month.

alt text A user can enter events and interests for a contact. This page will also show you the past presents you have given that person.

alt text The events details page will show you the selected, past and bookmarked presents for a particular event. The suggest presents are based on the interests entered on the contact details page.

alt text A user can click into a product to see details and similar products to the selected product.


Present Finder is created with the following:

Python, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, Flask, Jinja, Javascript, JQuery, Ajax, Boostrap, Chart.js, Amazon Product Advertising API, Twilio API


You will need:

  • Amazon Product Advertising account
  • AWS account
  • Twilio account

Create and launch a virtual environment

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate

Install requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Input your Amazon keys in a file called

export AMAZON_ACCESS_KEY="Your Amazon access key here"
export AMAZON_SECRET_KEY="Your Amazon secret key here"
export AMAZON_ASSOC_TAG="Your Amazon associate tag"
export FLASK_SECRET_KEY="Your flask key here"
export ACCOUNT_SID="Your Twilio account sid here"
export AUTH_TOKEN="Your Twilio auth token here"
export TWILIO_NUM="Your Twilio number here"

Source your file into the environment

$ source

Create and seed the database

$ createdb presents
$ python

Launch server

$ python

Navigate to server address.



An app to find presents based on person's interests.






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