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Hermes Conrad is the unofficial official mascot of the Hermes API.


Hermes is a RESTful API wrapper for a number of text processing services, allowing for the quick generation of text features. We've tried to make it as easy as possible to deploy the service on your own system by containerizing each piece with Docker (i.e. text features in a box). The following services are currently implemented:


Hermes returns the following fields from each service:

    • MITIE:
      • entities: An array of objects containing the following members.
        • entity_text: String. The actual text pulled from the string (Ex: Syria).
        • tag: String. The MITIE tag for the entity text (Ex: LOCATION).
        • start: Integer. The start of the entity location in the string (Ex: 6).
        • stop: Integer. The end of the entity location in the string (Ex: 7).
        • score: Float. The MITIE confidence score (Ex: 1.1885840007455295).
      • html: HTML generated for highlighting entities in dashboards, etc.
  • Mordecai
    • Mordecai:
      • focus_countries: Dictionary of countries and the number of times each was found in the text.
      • country_vec: List of countries found in the text.
      • locations: List of dictionaries including the lat, lon, country code, placename, and term used to search Geonames for each location found in the text.
    • CLIFF:
      • cliff_people: List of people extracted by CLIFF's NER.
      • cliff_orgs: List of organizations extracted by CLIFF's NER.
      • focus_cities: List of dictionaries including the lat, lon, name, stateName, and countryCode of the cities identified as the focus.
      • focus_states: List of dictionaries including the lat, lon, name, stateCode, and countryCode of the states/governorates/provinces/etc. identified as the focus.
      • focus_countries: List of dictionaries including the lat, lon, name, and countryCode of the countries identified as the focus.
      • country_vec: List of countryCodes.
      • stateVec: List of states/governorates/provinces.
  • Topic Model
    • topic_model:
      • topics: Array of arrays that contains the topic index as the first entry in the inner arrays and the topic weighting as the second entry.
      • highest_topic_string: String representation of the topic with the highest weighting for that document.
      • highest_topic_index: Integer representation of the topic with the highest weighting for that document.
      • topic_strings: Array of arrays that contains the string representation of the topic as the first entry in the inner arrays and the topic weighting as the second entry.
  • Joshua
    • translated_content: English translation of Arabic text.


Make sure you have docker installed first. You can get everything setup using the script in this repo, or do it yourself. Instructions for Ubuntu can be found here and for OS X (via boot2docker) here. Hermes requires docker-compose, which you can install via sudo pip install -U docker-compose. If you're on OS X be sure to set your environment variable correctly using: (boot2docker shellinit).

Then its as simple as sudo docker-compose up. You can pass it the -d flag to run the process in the background. If you want to kill the containers just issue sudo docker-compose kill.

There is a main endpoint /hermes and four service specific endpoints. /hermes/mitie, /hermes/mordecai, /hermes/cliff, and /hermes/topics.

To test if the api is working you can use cURL:

curl -i -u user:text2features -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"content": "Insurgents bombarded a government-held part of Syria'"'"'s second city Aleppo overnight, killing at least eight people, Syrian state media reported. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based group that tracks the war, said eight people were killed in an air strike by government forces in a separate, rebel-held part of the city."}' -X POST http://localhost:5000/hermes

To run using the Python requests library:

import json
import requests

headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
# Specification of the lang argument is optional.
data = {"content": "Insurgents bombarded a government-held part of Syria's second city Aleppo overnight, killing at least eight people, Syrian state media reported. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based group that tracks the war, said eight people were killed in an air strike by government forces in a separate, rebel-held part of the city.", "lang": "en"}
data = json.dumps(data)
out ='http://localhost:5000/hermes', data=data, auth=('user', 'text2features'), headers=headers)

If you are on OS X, swap out localhost for whatever your boot2docker IP address is. You can find it by running boot2docker ip.

The response should look like this:

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 15823
Server: TornadoServer/4.1

    "mordecai": {
        "focus_countries": {"SYR": 1},
        "country_vec": ["SYR"],
        "locations": [{"lat": 36.20124, "searchterm": "Aleppo", "lon": 37.16117, "countrycode": "SYR", "placename": "Aleppo"}]},
    "MITIE": {
        "entities": [
        {"start": 6, "entity_text": "Syria", "tag": "LOCATION", "stop": 7, "score": 1.1885840007455295}, {"start": 10, "entity_text": "Aleppo", "tag": "LOCATION", "stop": 11, "score": 0.6466367651771303},
        {"start": 19, "entity_text": "Syrian", "tag": "MISC", "stop": 20, "score": 1.1922037730890405}, {"start": 28, "entity_text": "Human Rights", "tag": "ORGANIZATION", "stop": 30, "score": 0.6246598122395554},
        {"start": 32, "entity_text": "UK-based", "tag": "MISC", "stop": 33, "score": 1.3681621776612611}
        "html": ""Insurgents bombarded a government-held part of Syria's second city Aleppo overnight , killing at least eight people , Syrian state media reported . The Syrian Observatory for <span class="mitie-ORGANIZATION">Human Rights</span> , a UK-based group that tracks the war , said eight people were killed in an air strike by government forces in a separate , rebel-held part of the city .""},
    "stanford": "",
    "topic_model": {
        "topics": [[3, 0.034243498707272987], [13, 0.46906614953072645], [16, 0.19962228098935678], [37, 0.17123127281259765], [38, 0.10215258743372989]],
        "highest_topic_string": "Control",
        "highest_topic_index": 13,
        "topic_strings": [["Assad", 0.034243498707272987], ["Control", 0.46906614953072645], ["Cities", 0.19962228098935678], ["Rebels", 0.17123127281259765], ["Kobani", 0.10215258743372989]]
    "CLIFF": {
        "focus_countries": [{"lat": 35.0, "lon": 38.0, "name": "Syrian Arab Republic", "countryCode": "SYR"}],
        "cliff_orgs": ["Syrian Observatory for Human Rights"],
        "focus_cities": [{"lat": 36.20124, "stateName": "Aleppo Governorate", "lon": 37.16117, "name": "Aleppo", "countryCode": "SYR"}],
        "country_vec": ["SYR"],
        "cliff_people": [],
        "focus_states": [{"lat": 36.25, "lon": 37.61667, "name": "Aleppo Governorate", "countryCode": "SYR", "stateCode": "09"}],
        "stateVec": ["Aleppo Governorate"]


Text features in a box







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