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astrotweet - Work with AstroBetter's Index of Tweeting Astronomers

This is a project to build on AstroBetter's index of tweeting astronomers. Some things that we will eventually do include:

  • building and updating a twitter list of astronomers
  • machine-readable analytics of astronomy tweeters, including number of tweets or followers.


Download the code and run install.

You'll need the following third-party packages: Cliff, requests, twitter, pymongo and networkx. Setuptools should install these automatically. To check your installation run:

astrotweet --help

Getting Twitter Credientials

astrotweet uses Twitter's v1.1 API. This means that you need to get a set of application credientials to run the code. It's easy:

  1. Register the application. Make up an application name, description, etc.. Don't share the consumer key or secret with anyone.
  2. Go ahead and press the button to create your OAuth access token. Again, don't share this publicly.
  3. Store the credentials into a file at $HOME/.astrotweet.json; the format is:

        "consumer_key": "your_consumer_key,
        "consumer_secret": "your_consumer_secret",
        "oauth_token": "your_access_token",
        "oauth_token_secret": "your_access_token_secret"


astrotweet is a command line app built around the philosophy of subcommands, much like git. Here are the commands currently included in astrotweet:

  • astrotweet summary - will output a summary table (tab-separated) of astrotweeters to the file astrotweeters.csv. Columns include 'real' name, follower counts, etc..
  • astrotweet build - will build a MongoDB collection of user data (see schema below).
    • Add in the --followers and --friends flags to also grab friend and follower lists. Note that this will take a while because of Twitter's rate limits.
    • The --cliques flag creates a MongoDB collection of mutual-follower cliques using networkx; useful if follower and friend data has been grabbed.

You can get a overview of astrotweet's commands by running astrotweet --help, and using the astrotweet help cmd_name for help specific to each command (e.g., astrotweet help build).

Schema of user documents in MongoDB

The astrotweet build command loads user data into an astrotweet.users collection in a MongoDB database (see below for how to start up your own MongoDB server). The schema for these documents is:

  • _id: twitter user ID, as a string. Also the formal document ID.
  • screen_name: user's twitter handle, without the '@'. I.e., I'm jonathansick.
  • id: twitter user ID, as an integer
  • description: description, written by the user
  • profile_image_url: URL of user's twitter avatar (jpg image)
  • url: homepage for this user (NULL if none specified)
  • followers_count: number of people following this user
  • friends_count: number of people that this user follows
  • statuses_count: number of tweets by user
  • location: string location of user (not consistent, nor always relevant)
  • lang: user's language code
  • created_at: datetime when user created account
  • updated_at: datetime when user's data was added to MongoDB
  • listed_count: number of twitter lists this user appears in
  • friend_ids: list of str_id of people this user is follower. Built with astrotweet build --friends flag.
  • follower_ids: list of str_id of people following this user. Built with astrotweet build --followers flag.

Schema of the clique collection in MongoDB

Every clique built with astrotweet build --cliques is stored in a astrotweet.cliques collection in a MongoDB database, alongside the user collection. The schema is bare bones:

  • _id: auto-generated ObjectId
  • members: list of str_ids of users in the clique
  • size: number of users in the clique (i.e., length of members)

Note that this collection, and its documents, are erased and rebuilt every time astrotweet build --cliques is run: do not store custom data in these documents!

Running MongoDB

For the commands that require MongoDB persistence, it is easy to setup a local MongoDB server. First, download the lastest MongoDB binaries and install them into your path.

Then create a directory to store the database and boot up the mongod server with:

mkdir -p $HOME/mongodata
mongod --dbpath $HOME/mongodata --fork --logpath $HOME/mongo.log

You can later kill the mongod process to safely shutdown the DB server.


This an experiment by Jonathan Sick. Tweet: @jonathansick


Do stuff with AstroBetter's index of tweeting astronomers.






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