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Play pool / billiards in WebVR! Supports both Leap Motion and HTC Vive controllers!



poolvr uses three.js to provide WebGL graphics and Cannon.js to provide real-time physics. VR support is provided by the currently-in-development WebVR API. WebVR Polyfill provides this functionality for those browsers / devices which don't implement native WebVR support. The pool table is defined parametrically via a Python script and exported to three.js-friendly format using

This project began as an experimental example that I introduced into my fork of Primrose, which was my own starting point for WebVR development. poolvr became my entry into the Leap Motion 3D Jam (at literally the last minute). It's been improved since the 3D Jam ended! Some amazing features are planned!


The following amazing open-source projects have helped make poolvr possible:

JavaScript libraries:

Python packages:

The space nebula cube map background was created with Space 3D.