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Media-enclave is a collection of Django web applications to manage media in a community environment. Our two major sub-projects are:

Audio-enclave, which allows a community to upload their music to a communal "jukebox" where it can be made into shared playlists and played back. Video-enclave, which allows users to search their movie collections using metadata scraped from sites like IMDB, metacritic, and Rotten Tomatoes. Currently, audio-enclave is our only functional application, but we are beginning work on video-enclave.


Audio-enclave is a web application that controls music player running in the background. It allows users to upload songs, search for music, make playlists, and control playback. We eventually intend to support separate channels of music which are piped to specific locations, but for now the player just outputs to the default device. InstallingAudioEnclave


Video-enclave is a web application that allows users to search their sometimes large movie collections with metadata scraped from IMDB and other web sites. The goal is to make finding a movie to watch as easy as finding music with audio-enclave. We want to allow the user to search for films with Sean Penn or directed by Quentin Tarantino without having to go to an external web site like IMDB and then check if they own that film.

Speech Interface

During January 2009 we started writing a speech interface for audio-enclave with WAMI from the CS and AI Lab at MIT. Our goal is to be able to walk into the room where the sound system is set up, push a button on the wall, say "queue song name", and have the music start. This would, of course, make a very nice demo. :)

How to install and set up audio-enclave


First, make sure the following dependencies are installed:

  • Python (>= 2.6)
  • Django (>= 1.1)
  • django-media-bundler (
  • GStreamer (>= 0.10; this includes gstreamer-plugins-base/good/ugly/bad)
  • pygst (spelled 'python-gst' by Ubuntu/Debian)
  • Pyro (python remote objects)
  • Mutagen
  • A database that Django supports. To start, we recommend sqlite3 because it does not require a daemon running in the background.
  • pngcrush


Next, copy to Edit and supply values for all variables tagged with 'CUSTOMIZE ME'. More info on the Django specific settings and this process in general can be found on the Django web site.

Run the script in the project root like so:

python syncdb
python bundle_media

This will populate the database that you just configured with the model tables and a default channel, and it will bundle the Javascript, CSS, and image sprites.

Running a Server

For development, you should use Django's own HTTP server, but for production you now need to configure Apache/mod_python for the aenclave Django project. To run the Django server, run the management script with the argument 'runserver'. You should be able to go to http://localhost:8000/admin/ and see the Django admin page without any errors now.

Running the Player

The last step is to configure the audio enclave player daemon to start on boot. If you are on Ubuntu/Debian, do the following:

sudo cp MENCLAVE/aenclave/gst_player/ /etc/init.d/ae-player
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/ae-player
# Edit the vars labelled 'CUSTOMIZE ME'
sudo vi /etc/init.d/ae-player
sudo update-rc.d ae-player defaults
# Start the player now.
sudo /etc/init.d/ae-player start

If you are using another distro, there should be similar mechanisms in place for your distro.

Alternatively, if you're on OS X, you can install python-daemon via easy_install python-daemon and run aenclave/gst_player/ to start the player in the background.

If you don't have python-daemon installed, you can run the server directly:

python aenclave/gst_player/


To test that everything worked, click 'Upload', upload a song, and queue it by clicking the link. If playback does not start, look for tracebacks in both the Django server process and the gst_server process to try and diagnose the problem.


To make SFTP uploading work, you should run an SFTP server on the same host as the gst_player process. TODO(rnk): Document this process more thoroughly.


A collection of (old, deprecated) web applications to manage your media






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