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Cyberpipe's website

Adding Content

Warning: This specification is unstable and prone to change.

All the website content:

  • goes inside the content directory,
  • is written in a flavor of Markdown (it's really Python markdown with all of its and some additional extensions; what you're used to from GFM/Kramdown should just work).

Read about writing content in Pelican.

Posting events

Each event is created as a *.md file inside content/events/{category}.

Each *.md file starts with a RFC822-like header section. The following headers are required:

  • Title,

  • Date (and Dates, see below), in truncated, human-readable ISO 8601 format

    YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM

    (with or without the T),

  • Tags, a comma-separated list of tags from content/tags.txt,

and the following headers are also used:

  • Duration, in HH:MM format,
  • Image, the representative image of the event,
  • Location, the event venue, if not the ordinary,
  • Organizer, the event co-host, if any,
  • Video, a list of YouTube/... video/playlist URLs,

all other headers are optional, and skipped. :-)

For one-time events, the event filename has to conform to the following format:

Note, the T between the date and the time is mandatory here. If the filename is not in the above format, the Date has to be specified in the headers, and the slug is derived from the Title. In either case, the headers override any other implied values.

For recurring events, you can use the existing file by adding a new date into the Dates header, most recent first. For example:

Title: Redna petkova delavnica
Tags: coderdojo, delavnica, za otroke, programiranje
Image: /images/coderdojo.png
Date: 2001-09-11 11:33   ← whatever, ignored (but must be set)
Dates: 2014-12-13 16:20  ← these dates can each be followed by a # and a
       2014-11-06 16:20    comment, e.g.
       2014-10-27 16:20  # visitors: 19
       2014-10-13 16:20  # visitors: 14
Duration: 04:00

V petek se spet dobimo in programiramo. Vabljeni!

<!--- (This is a (hidden) comment.)
This is a recurring event, every time with the same description, the
only thing different being the event date.

Notice the `Dates` is a list of truncated datetimes in the ISO format.

Non-public and work-in-progress events can be marked with Status: draft header.

Posting news

News are just like events, but they have to be put in the news category (content/news directory) and have an additional optional header: Author.

Creating "static pages"

Pages are in content/pages and follow a sensible directory structure.

You create translations by sharing a common slug and specifying a Lang attribute.

Development instructions

Please read about HACKING.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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