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This is version 2.0.5 of DomainFinder, an interactive program for the
determination and characterization of dynamical domains in proteins.
This program is copyrighted but free to use for anyone under the
CeCILL-C License, see the file LICENSE for details.

DomainFinder should work with all major variants of Unix. There is no
system-specific code in DomainFinder itself, so porting DomainFinder
to non-Unix systems should be easy. However, I cannot provide
any support for this.

If you have any questions about DomainFinder that are not answered
on the Web page mentioned above, please contact the author.

Konrad Hinsen
Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire (CNRS)
Orléans, France


Synchrotron Soleil
Division Expériences
Saint Aubin - BP 48
91192 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France



DomainFinder requires the Python interpreter (version 2.3 or higher)
with the Tk interface installed, and the Molecular Modeling Toolkit
(MMTK), version 2.4 or higher. Make sure that these components work
properly before installing DomainFinder. The MMTK example scripts
should work, as well as the Tkinter Demo programs from the Python

Then type

    python install

On most systems this will require root permissions, as by default
the files will be installed in the same directory as the Python
interpreter. Other directories can be specified, type

    python --help install

for explanations. Once installation is finished, type


to run the program.

When dealing with very large proteins, it can be of interest to
perform the normal mode calculation on a faster machine or on a
machine with more memory than the workstation used for visualization.
Sometimes computers dedicated to number crunching applications do
not provide a graphical user interface, and then the DomainFinder
program cannot be run.

A seperate program called DomainFinderModes is therefore provided
to calculate the normal modes and save them to a file, which can
then be transferred to the workstation and analyzed with DomainFinder.
To execute this program, type

   DomainFinderModes pdb-file mode-file modes-saved modes-calculated

The first argument is the PDB file from which the protein conformation
is read. The second argument is the name of the mode file to be
created. The third argument indicates how many modes should be kept
in the file, and the fourth argument specifies the number of modes
to be calculated. See the DomainFinder manual for a discussion of
the meaning of these parameters.


The directory Doc contains the DomainFinder manual in two formats:
HTML and SGML/Linuxdoc.

Visualization examples

While the graphics displays in DomainFinder are sufficient for
interactive analysis, it is often desirable to produce high-quality
images for publications and presentations. These can be produced by
saving modes and/or domains (in MMTK format) and using appropriate
Python scripts (using MMTK) for visualization.

Two example scripts can be found in the directory Visualization. The
script visualizes atomic displacements in a given
normal mode by arrows placed on a grid. The script
shows the domains by colors and their movements in a given mode by a
scre-motion axis and an arrow. Both scripts require the molecule
viewer VMD, which is available from
Using the rendering functions of VMD plus ray-tracing programs, very
high quality pictures can be produced.

Domain motion amplitude calculations

When studying a conformational transition, it is often of interest
to know by how much a given domain moves during that transition.
This information is given by the script DomainMotionAmplitudes.

The script is used as follows (all on one command line):

    DomainMotionAmplitudes struct1.pdb struct2.pdb 
           alignment_region domain_1 domain_2 ...

Any number of domain specifications can be given, the calculation is
performed for each domain. The alignment region defines the part of
the protein that is superposed optimally prior to the other
calculations. The alignment region can be the whole protein, or 
a part of it that serves as a reference.

The alignment region and the domains are specified by chain and
residue numbers. The simplest specification is a residue number (e.g.
5) or a range of residue numbers (e.g. 2-8). By default these refer to
chain number 1. A chain number can be given as a prefix, e.g. 2:4-45
for residues 4 to 45 (inclusive) in chain 2. To specify a domain or an
alignment region that consists of several chain segments, join the
segment specifications by a plus sign (+). Note that no specification
may contain spaces anywhere, because space are used to seperate

An example of a more complex domain specification is


This stands for residues 11 to 50 and 81 to 99 of chain 1 and
residues 32 to 67 of chain 2.

Analyzing domain motions by normal mode decomposition

Another useful analysis is the decomposition of the rigid-body motions
of a given domain into the normal modes of a protein. Such an analysis
reveals how well-defined a domain is and at what energetic cost its
displacements are possible. The analysis is performed by the script
RigidBodyMotionsByMode, which is used as follows:

   RigidBodyMotionsByMode mode_file rb1 rb2 ...

The first argument is the name of a file containing the normal modes
of the protein, such as produced by DomainFinder or by the script
DomainFinderModes. The remaining arguments are the specifications of
any number of rigid-body groups. A rigid-body group can be a single
rigid body, i.e. a domain, which is specified exactly as for the
script DomainMotionAmplitudes (see preceding section). However, it can
also be a group of several rigid bodies, whose definitions are separated
by commas (again, be careful not to insert any spaces).

The output of the script is a file called
rigid_body_motions_by_mode.plot. It contains for each rigid-body group
a list of numbers, the lists being separated by a blank line. Each
list contains a number for each mode. This number represents the sum
of the projections of this and all prior modes onto the direction
vector corresponding to the rigid-body motion under study. If all
modes of the protein are used in the analysis (i.e. if the mode file
contains a full set of normal modes), the last number must be 1.
The cumulative projection can be interpreted as the percentage of
the rigid-body motion that can be described by a given number of modes.
For a well-defined domain that participates in low-energy collective
motions, the cumulative projection rises quickly from zero to one.
For a region that undergoes significant internal deformation
(i.e. which is not really rigid) or which moves only in association
with high-energy deformations around it, the increase from zero to one
happens slowly.

Transition path calculations

The script TransitionPath calculates a transition path between two
conformations of a protein. This transition path is constructed on the
basis of a flexibility analysis of the protein using the same elastic
network model that DomainFinder uses. The initial conformation is
deformed towards the final conformation taking into account the
flexibility. The resulting transition path is thus compatible with the
constraints imposed by the protein structure. However, it would be
inappropriate to call it *the* transition path. Other paths are
possible, and very probably several paths occur in real-life
coformational changes.

The script is used as follows:

   TransitionPath struct1.pdb struct2.pdb nsteps

where struct1.pdb represents the initial configuration, struct2.pdb
the final configuration. The resulting path has nsteps steps and is
stored in the file (an MMTK-format trajectory).


Find dynamical domains in a protein



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