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Flask Cookiecutter

Yet another Flask Cookiecutter template that can be used as a foundation for Web Applications or to quickly spin up prototypes without worrying about all of the overhead of a new project.


  • Docker Compose (Frontend, Backend, and Database Services)
  • Flask Application Factory Setup
  • Flask-Migrate Database Migrations
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy Model Ready
  • Flask Template Layout
  • Environment Configuration
  • Frontend Build Scripts (Webpack and SASS Support)
  • Python Unittests
  • Pipenv/NPM Support

Getting Started

Before getting started, you'll need to Install Cookiecutter. Also, during this step you'll be asked a few questions about your project. These details will be used to generate your new project.

pip install cookiecutter


That's it! You should be able to start your application from here...


All development will be done with Docker. Therefore, you'll need to have Docker Desktop up and running.

To run the application...

docker-compose up

After all of the services have started, take a look at localhost:5000 in your browser.

Helpful Commands

The following are some example commands showing how to interact with the different containers. You'll need to replace {{ app_name }} with the corresponding value that you used when creating your project.

To run tests...

docker compose exec {{ app_name }}-server pipenv run python -m unittest

To run Flask Shell...

docker compose exec {{ app_name }}-server pipenv run python -m flask shell

To create/run database migrations...

docker compose exec {{ app_name }}-server pipenv run python -m flask db migrate

docker compose exec {{ app_name }}-server pipenv run python -m flask db upgrade

To run psql for database access...

docker compose exec {{ app_name }}-postgres psql -U postgres

To run frontend builds...

docker compose exec {{ app_name }}-client npm run build