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various bits and pieces of code, all thrown in here to keep them synced
up if i want to tinker.

irclogd:    C IRC logger daemon. log into several irc channels on the same 
            server and write everything in the channel to disk. in progress.
srm:        secure file remover written in C. overwrites a file with random 
            data before unlinking it. see srm -h for options. works, still
            some items on the TODO list.
sh:         shell scripts. oh god the bourne shell was everywhere...
xw:         xterm wrapper - execute the command line with xterm -e or an
            alternative, specifiable via an environment variable or a
            config file. would take about 30 seconds in shell, but that's
            no fun, so it's written in C and complete.
defscan:    scan headers for unused #defines. written in C, in progress
            and semi-abandoned.
cproj:      a tool to work with c projects. it's rad.


nothing to see here. move along.






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