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Koshka sequencer

Group project for Music Software Projects at NYU, 2015.

By Mads Lund and Aric Werner

##Final version

###Dependencies You will need to be running Python 2.7, and have a few other packages installed to run Koshka:

brew install portaudio # If you have a Mac
pip install pyaudio
pip install numpy
pip install scipy

###Excecution Run Koshka using the executable file:

python koshka/

A score can also be run without GUI using the command line:

usage: [-h] [--no_gui [NO_GUI]] [-l [LOOP]] [score]

Koshka - MSP project

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --no_gui [NO_GUI]
  -l [LOOP], --loop [LOOP]

Online help

The online help can be found here.

##Homework 9 By Mads Lund and Aric Werner

The homework solution is implemented with the two Python programs and the required deliverables and be executed with the command: ./

Unit test / Harness test

The unit test for homework 9 can be executed using the command:

python -m unittest discover -p *meantone* koshka/

There is no explicit unit test for interval comparison since the correctness of the interval are already tested and the comparisons are only differences.

###Melody playback is a program able to play a monophonic melody encoded with a simple file format. The melody Mary had a little lamb is encoded in this format in the file scores/mary.mscore.

###Interval Comparison is a program for comparing frequencies and cents between different intervals and between tuning systems.

usage: [-h] [-f BASEFREQ] [-i INTERVALS0] [-i1 INTERVALS1]
                           scale0 scale1

MSP homework 9 scale interval comparison

positional arguments:
  scale0                The supported scales are: EvenTempered, PythagSeries,
                        PythagChromaticScale, PythagDodecaphonic,
                        PtolemyNaturalChromatic, Meantone, Meantone12Tone
  scale1                Same as scale0

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f BASEFREQ, --basefreq BASEFREQ
  -i INTERVALS0, -i0 INTERVALS0, --intervals0 INTERVALS0
                        List of interval for scale0. Default: all interval in
                        an octave.
  -i1 INTERVALS1, --intervals1 INTERVALS1
                        List of interval for scale1. Default: the same as

##Homework 8 By Mads Lund and Aric Werner

The current version of our project, Koshka, is able to play Ptolemy's scale and the Bembe Wheel described in score files located in the folder ./scores/


The two parts of the homework and the harness test for Ptolemy's scale can be run using the shell script:


Alternatively, the parts can be runned seperatly using the commands:

./koshka/ scores/ptolemy_scale.txt --no_gui
./koshka/ scores/bembe_wheel.txt --no_gui --loop 1

And with GUI:

./koshka/ scores/ptolemy_scale.txt
./koshka/ scores/bembe_wheel.txt

Unit test / Harness test

The unit test for homework 8 can be executed using the command:

python -m unittest discover -p *ptolemy* koshka/


Music Software Project NYU






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