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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 14, 2021. It is now read-only.


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THIS README IS OUT OF DATE: need to explain new required sync arguments --sync-name and --sync-tls-dir, and how to generate certs for the second. quick explanation: sync-name just needs to be a human-chosen name for the computer. --sync-tls-dir must be a path to a directory containing: client.crt.pem, client.key.pem, server.key.pem, server.crt.pem, and ca.crt.pem. Generate those with habnabit's instant-CA repo, plus this command to generate a cert:

openssl req -out incoming/$1.csr -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout incoming/$1.pem

Tree of Life

A tool for managing your life, working backwards from goals and tasks; starting all the way back from The Task: life.

Setting Up

note: as a matter of habit, do not copy and paste into your terminal from the internet, pages can do all sorts of trickery to hide text


git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update

install dependencies

Note: I haven't tested on windows yet, and installing dependencies is known to be a pain on windows. You may have to install twisted manually if you don't use pypy, and if you do use pypy, I have no idea whether this will work. Windows users get to wing it for the time being, but please complain :)

  • Make sure you have virtualenv installed. it varies, but there's a distro package on most linuxes that provides it. on mac, or on linux that doesn't provide it (easy_install assumed to be available):

      which pip || sudo easy_install pip
      which virtualenv || sudo pip install virtualenv
  • with pypy - optional, but highly recommended for speed; can cause pain on windows and some linuxes. if so, try without it.

      # download the latest version for your operating system from
      # extract somewhere; for example, you might extract it to ~/Downloads/pypy-2.2.1/
      cd ~/tree-of-life  # (where ever you git cloned to)`
      virtualenv -p ~/Downloads/pypy-2.2.1/ ve-pypy-2.7  # Create a virtualenv using that pypy; name it ve-<something>`
      source ve-pypy-2.7/bin/activate  # activate the virtualenv`
  • with your regular python - slower, but potentially more compatible

      cd ~/tree-of-life  # (where ever you git cloned to)
      virtualenv ve-cpython-2.7  # Create a virtualenv using system python-2.7; name it ve-<something>
      source ve-cpython-2.7/bin/activate # activate the virtualenv

Now that you have a virtualenv (or, if you're on windows, are being brave and trying without one), run:

python develop
# some people have moral issues with "develop"; if you do,
# feel free to use "install" instead. it's less convenient, though.

Start the backend


can safely be ctrl+c'd without data loss (it will commit an internal git repo, ~/.treeoflife)

Start a frontend

  • web: go to http://localhost:18082/ui.html - someday I'll explain the reasoning behind that port
  • mac menu bar: open ~/tree-of-life/ this app doesn't like to be started before the backend, so make sure that's running first. I'll get around to making it retry soon...


todo: explain what makes treeoflife unique; the following command list doesn't really demonstrate it

some commands to get you started:

  • task: something creates a task called something and activates it
  • edit opens up an editor; by default, codemirror. use --editor=vim-iterm to the server to use vim in iterm, if you're on mac
  • save saves the backend, so you can see the current tree in ~/.treeoflife/life
  • next goes to the next task (need to make this more logically sensible)
  • stop will shut down the backend (shutting down the backend includes saving and committing the life file.)

Disclaimers and Warnings

While I'm proud of some of this code, a lot of it is quite messy due to having been written in just-get-it-working mode. If I explicitly say I like some code in this repo and you think it's bad code, then please tell me so; but for the time being please assume I know that I'm a horrible programmer who needs to clean everything up :)


All of my code here is licensed MIT. I haven't marked the files I wrote as such in their headers yet, but anything in this repository that has is copyright to me is licensed MIT.