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JCVI utility libraries

My own collection of Python libraries to parse files, or perform assembly-related calculations. Documentations will be lagging behind.


Haibao Tang (tanghaibao), Vivek Krishnakumar (vivekkrish)





  • algorithms

    Algorithms for math intensive stuff, including:

    • Linear programming solver with SCIP and GLPK.
    • Synteny scan (de-novo) and lift over (find nearby anchors).
    • Supermap: find set of non-overlapping anchors in BLAST or NUCMER output.
    • Order and orientations of contigs (aka scaffolding) in de-novo assembly.
    • Tandem gene duplicates finder.
  • assembly

    Scripts to prepare input data to assembler, and also post-assembly scaffolding, quality control, etc. In general, anything related to genome assembly and scaffolding:

    • K-mer histogram analysis.
    • Prepare frg for Celera Assembler (CA).
    • Preparation and validation of tiling path for clone-based assemblies.
    • Read trimming and correction.
    • Scaffolding through BAMBUS, optical map and genetic map.
  • apps

    Helper library to wrap command line programs and run jobs on JCVI grid engine (split jobs, check status, etc.). Driver scripts including:

    • BLAST filter that selects subset of anchors.
    • GenBank entrez accession downloader.
    • Wrapper for LASTZ, BWA, CLC, CDHIT, etc.
    • Low complexity sequence masker with NCBI WindowMasker.
    • Prepare Genbank sequence data submission files.
  • formats

    File parsers for various files used in genome assembly and comparisons. Currents supports .agp (goldenpath), .bed format, .blast output, .btab format, .cas (CLC assembler output), .coords format (nucmer output), .fasta format, .fastq format, .fpc format, .gff format, obo format (ontology), .posmap format (Celera assembler output), .sam format (read mapping), .contig format (TIGR assembly format), etc.

  • graphics

    Graphics to visualize comparative genomics or assembly stuff. Including:

    • BLAST or synteny dot plot.
    • Histogram using R.
    • Painting regions on set of chromosomes.
    • ASCII histogram and line plot.
    • Heatmap from csv file.
  • utils

    Data structures to simplify programming tasks. Most of the scripts are derived from ideas in the public domain, and are commonly used by other modules. For example:

    • Grouper can be used as disjoint set data structure.
    • range contains common range operations, like overlap and chaining.
    • Sybase connector to JCVI internal database.
    • Table and string formatting functions.
    • Miscellaneous cookbook recipes, like iterators and decorators.


Following are a list of third-party python packages that are used by some routines in the library. These dependencies are not mandatory since they are only used by a few modules.

There are other Python modules here and there in various scripts. The best way is to install them via easy_install when you see ImportError.


Resolve dependencies first. Then place the whole folder jcvi/ on your PYTHONPATH. Most scripts can both import or run as utility script. This is the preferred method, as you can run regardless of the dir you are in:

export PYTHONPATH=/dir_contains_jcvi
python -m jcvi.formats.fasta

You can also copy jcvi to the current folder (since Python searches current folder by default):

python jcvi/formats/

Please note: a few module might ask for locations of external programs, if the extended cannot be found in your PATH. For example:

=== Configure path for EMBOSS ===
URL: <>
[Directory that contains `seqret`]: ~/scratch/bin
23:53:57 [command::DEBUG] Configuration written to `/home/htang/.jcvirc`.

The locations of these binaries can later be changed by modifying ~/.jcvirc. The external programs that are often used are:

Most of the scripts in this package contains multiple actions. To use the fasta example:

Available actions:
    `extract`: given fasta file and seq id, retrieve the sequence in fasta format
    `translate`: translate CDS to proteins
    `summary`: report the real no of bases and N's in fastafiles
    `uniq`: remove records that are the same
    `ids`: generate a list of headers
    `format`: trim accession id to the first space or switch id based on 2-column mapping file
    `pool`: pool a bunch of fastafiles together and add prefix
    `random`: randomly take some records
    `diff`: check if two fasta records contain same information
    `trim`: given a cross_match screened fasta, trim the sequence
    `sort`: sort the records by IDs, sizes, etc.
    `filter`: filter the records by size
    `pair`: sort paired reads to .pairs, rest to .fragments
    `pairinplace`: starting from fragment.fasta, find if adjacent records can form pairs
    `fastq`: combine fasta and qual to create fastq file
    `tidy`: normalize gap sizes and remove small components in fasta
    `sequin`: generate a gapped fasta file for sequin submission
    `gaps`: print out a list of gap sizes within sequences
    `join`: concatenate a list of seqs and add gaps in between
    `some`: include or exclude a list of records (also performs on .qual file if available)

Then you need to use one action, you can just do:

python -m jcvi.formats.fasta extract

This will tell you the options and arguments it expects.

Feel free to check out other scripts in the package, it is not just for FASTA.


Utility library to perform analysis for JCVI projects, mostly related to genome assembly or annotations







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