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Sugarizer deployment tool for Desktop

Project description

Sugarizer Deployment Tool is a tool for Sugarizer. It is intended for deploying Sugarizer on multiple device and keeping it updated by making the installation and updating easy for the user.

Sugarizer is a way to use Sugar on any device using web technologies. Sugarizer can be deployed on many devices including Android phones and tablets. The goal of this specific project is to create the "Sugarizer Deployment and Management Tool for Android".

Expected results

Sugarizer Server Deployment and Management Tool is a GUI Tool working on GNU/Linux, Mac and Windows to deploy and configure Android devices using ADB (Android Debug Bridge).

Inventory : Collect devices data like serial number, os version, device name, installed applications, current Android launcher and Sugarizer availability. Application Manager : Install or remove applications using APK files. Input Manager : Click / Touch coordinates on the screen, launch applications to perform automations. Scenario Writer : Allow non developpers to create sequences to perform all the steps previously defined.


Raphael Teyssandier | GSOC - 2017

It's the start of the project, I built the project from the start. So I made all of the fonctionnality on the project description. And for the project I also made an android app, an hidden one. Just to inform what's going on on the device. I have changed, a multiple times the UI, to make simpler everytime.





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Android App