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PhyloGenClust (Phylogenetic Clustering of Gene Families)

Installation guide to PhyloGenClust:

Required packages:
a) pip install numpy 
b) install DendroPy version 3.12.0
    (You can find it under the dendropy-lib folder in PyloGenClust package)
    tar -zxvf DendroPy-3.12.0.tar.gz
    cd DendroPy-3.12.0
    python install
c) pip install biopython
d) pip install setuptools
e) Muscle
f) FastTree 2.1.7 (user is free to use any FastTree version) 
g) Notung-2.6 (user is free to use any Notung version)
h) EMBOSS-6.3.1 for PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650 (for ubuntu)
	sudo apt-get install embassy-phylip 
   EMBOSS-6.3.1 installation on Mac osx:
    Download EMBOSS-6.3.1 from
    1) tar -zxvf EMBOSS-6.x.x.tar.gz 
    2) mkdir install-emboss
    2) cd EMBOSS-6.x.x
    3) ./configure --prefix=/path-to-folder/install-emboss/
    4) make
    5) make install
    Download PHYLIPNEW from to some folder, for-example: embassy.
	6) mkdir embassy
	7) cd embassy
	8) tar -zxvf phylipnew.x.x.tar.gz
	9) cd phylipnew
	10) ./configure --prefix=/path-to-folder/install-emboss/
	11) make 
	12) make install
    (for more instructions, see :
e) RapidNJ (Optional)

Export path to external libraries:

Muscle path:
		export PATH=/path-to-muscle-package/:$PATH
FastTree path:
		export PATH=/path-to-fasttree-package/:$PATH
Notung path:
		export PATH=/path-to-Notung-package/:$PATH

Phylip path:
        export PATH=/path-to-PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/src:$PATH

RapidNJ (optional):
        export PATH=/path-to-rapidNJ/bin:$PATH

Run GFD:

>runGFD --help
usage: runGFD [-h] [-d seqFile] [-st sTree] [-f format] [-t seqType]
          [-nomsa nomsa] [-i interleaved] [-b reps] [-z zeta]
          [-m rsMethod] [-s seed] [-l loadSeed] [-o outFile] [-od outDir]
          [-np NP] [-rapidnj RAPIDNJ] [-fastest FASTEST] [-gtr GTR]
          [-wag WAG] [-gamma GAMMA]

Parse input arguments and print output.

optional arguments:
-h, --help        show this help message and exit

-d seqFile        Specify path to the sequence file

-st sTree         Specify path to the species tree file

-f format         Specify format of sequence file: F (Fasta); P (Phylip); G

-t seqType        Specify type of data: d (dna); p (protein); r (rna)

-nomsa nomsa      Generate MSA. Use this option, If the input sequences are
                not aligned

-i interleaved    Specify if the sequence data is interleaved

-b reps           Specify number of bootstraps default=1000

-z zeta           Specify family support value, range [0, 1]

-m rsMethod       Specify re-sampling method: b (Bootstrap), j (Jackknife),
                c (Permute species for each character), o (Permute
                character order), s (Permute within species), r (Rewrite
                data)) (default='d')

-s seed           Specify initial seed. if both initialSeed and loadseed
                option are not provided then system time will be taken as
                the default seed.

-l loadSeed       Specify path to a file containing previous state

-o outFile        Specify the file to output the results. (default=

-od outDir        Specify path to directory to store intermediate results.
                If not specified intermediate results will be stored in a
                temporary directory which is deleted after program
                execution (default=None)

-np NP            if -np flag is provided, then no perturbed MSA will be
                generated. Instead Gene trees will be reconstructed from

-rapidnj RAPIDNJ  if -rapidnj flag is provided, then Gene trees will be
                reconstructed from Bootstraps using RapidNJ tool

-fastest FASTEST  speed up the neighbor joining phase & reduce memory usage
                (recommended for >50,000 sequences)

-gtr GTR          generalized time-reversible model (nucleotide alignments

-wag WAG          Whelan-And-Goldman 2001 model (amino acid alignments only)

-gamma GAMMA      after optimizing the tree under the CAT approximation,
                rescale the lengths to optimize the Gamma20 likelihood


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