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---very much a WIP---

The original code for Lenspix can be found here.

What does it do?

Running will take the kappa (convergence) map and convert it to phi (gravitational potential) to be used as a lensing map. It will then read the nside and lmax of the primary map to be used in the lensing step. The script will then generate a "specific_params.ini" (created from the "generic_params.ini") based on the inputs provided. Lensing is simulated, and the lensed map is written to the provided filename. This will also yield a gradient phi map, and an unlensed and lensed power spectrum.

Much, if not all of the following assumes being used in a SciNet environment.


To make the simlens program, simply go into the src/ folder and run the Makefile with the command "make". The "simlens" program should then be in the bin/ folder if all went well. Afterwards you should be able to run properly.

This is the list of modules I had loaded for compiling to work:

  1. use.experimental
  2. openmpi/intel/1.6.4
  3. gsl/1.15-intel
  4. gcc/4.6.1
  5. gnuplot/4.6.1
  6. intel/15.0.2
  7. python/2.7.5
  8. hdf5/187-v18-serial-gcc
  9. fftw/3.3.3-intel-openmpi
  10. ffmpeg/2.1.3
  11. gnu-parallel/20140622
  12. use.own
  13. sigurdkn

For the last module ("sigurdkn") I've included the module file in this repository. To use this, copy this file into your "privatemodules" folder located in your home space (more info on user modules here), then run the command "module load use.own sigurdkn". Note that once the compilation is successful, you may encounter some conflicts when running the other scripts with this module loaded, so it is recommended to unload it after compiling successfully.

Required files:

  1. Unlensed TQU alm/map FITS file
  2. Kappa map (combination of halo and field)

Run "python <kappa_map_in> <primary_in> <phi_alm_out> <lensed_map_out> -np <no. of processes>", where <kappa_map_in> is the filename of the kappa map you want to lens with, <primary_in> is the filename of the primary alm you want lensed, <phi_alm_out> is the filename of the outputted phi alm, and <lensed_map_out> is the filename for the lensed result. <no. of processes> is the same as the mpirun -np argument, since the code simply calls this command at the end. If -np is not provided it will default to 1.

Here is a test command using the included test maps: python test_maps/kappa_map.fits test_maps/primary_alm.fits test_maps/phi_trial.fits test_maps/lensed_trial.fits -np 8

You may need to change the specific_params.ini path in the script (the "specificParams" variable) or any of the output file paths, such as when in a job environment and running the code from your home directory, since home becomes read-only.

An additional script has been added for batch lensing of multiple maps, which we used for CIB lensing simulations. If using this, make sure the -np arguments agrees with the script's arguments (the comments at the beginning of the file).

Helper scripts

There are several helper scripts included. The main ones would be:

  • (in pycamb_scripts folder)
  • is the script that does the conversion of the kappa map to phi alm. is a script that allows one to compare the simulated lensed result with the analytical lensed calculations based on CAMB. To use, make sure you have pyCamb installed, and then provide the following in the script:

  • primary alm filename
  • phi alm filename
  • lensed map filename

It will also need the theoretical power spectrum of the same maps used in Lenspix, which are:

  • kappa power spectrum
  • primary power spectrum

Finally, give a filename for the output from CAMB's convolution (the analytical lensed power spectrum). was used in conjunction with to take the correct power spectrum data from scalCls.dat or lenspotentialCls.dat and combine them with our own simulated kappa maps. will take a set of CIB plots and combine them into a single animation. will create a plot of the phi map with the gradients overplotted. takes the cl value of each CIB shell at l=500 and plots them. will plot the power spectra of the shells in one plot.

Known issues

  • lensing a map with many point sources will yield NaNs


  • different output lmax not yet implemented
  • randomly selects indices to plot arrows, need to come up with a cleaner solution


I thank Professor J. Richard Bond, Alex van Engelen, George Stein, and Marcelo Alvarez for guiding me throughout the development of this code and the entire project during my research period.


Modified LensPix code that allows external maps to be used as input.






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  • Fortran 84.7%
  • Python 15.0%
  • Other 0.3%