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Matt Christie, 2014-2016

This set of modules was developed to explore a question about graphs and some
mathematical objects that can be generated from them. Here's the question:

Let G be a connected graph whose vertex set is {1, ..., n}. G can be traversed from a
starting node k according to some traversal algorithm (here, either breadth-first search
(BFS) or depth-first search (DFS)). Since G is connected, traversing the graph from
vertex k will produce a sequence of vertices k1, ..., kn where k1 = k. This can be
interpreted as a permutation of G's vertices, where 1 is mapped to k1, 2 is mapped to k2,
etc. Let this permutation be called a traversal permutation of G from vertex k.

Given a graph G, a subset of G's vertices S, and a traversal algorithm A,
what group is generated by G's traversal permutations from elements in S?

Let such a group be called a traversal group.

For the definition of a group:

See also:

### Installation ###

$ mkvirtualenv traversalgroup
$ cd /just/within/the/folder/traversalgroup
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python install


Don't rely on the setup script to correctly install dependencies; 
use pip directly with the requirements file.

The above uses virtualenvwrapper; using just virtualenv or no virtual
environment at all should work just fine too, although the exact commands
will look a little different (you'll need to add sudo in front of the
last two commands if you're not using a virtual environment). Google
pip, virtualenv, and virtualenvwrapper for more details.

### Generating data ###

Start generating traversal groups of graphs:

$ python -m traversalgroup <json-config-file>

Generate pictorial representations of graphs' traversal permutations
when the set of starting vertices is the entire vertex set {1, ..., n}:

$ python -m graphprint <json-config-file>

Each row in the picture represents a single traversal permutation, with
each colored cell in the row representing a vertex.

If the config file is not passed in the above commands, the scripts
will search for a config file with the name config.json in the current
working directory.

### Configuration ###

Example config file for traversalgroup:
    "db": "traversalgroup.db",
    "min_n": 3,
    "max_n": 7,
    "min_trials": 10000,
    "certainty": 0.95,
    "secs": 300

The name of the file to use as a SQLite3 database.

The minimum number of vertices for a generated graph.

The maximum number of vertices for a generated graph.

A minimum number of connected graphs to generate.

How certain it is that a good distribution of graphs will have been generated
after min_trials number of trials.

How many seconds to wait between giving updates to the console of how many
graphs have been generated. Use a keyboard interrupt to see immediate counts.

Example config file for graphprint:
	"directory":   "print",
	"algorithm":   "bfs",
	"file_type":   "png",
	"num_imgs":     10,
	"num_nodes":    35,
	"cell_length":  10,
	"start_color": [49, 185, 174],
	"act_color":   [121, 82, 169]

The directory to save images in.

The algorithm to use to traverse the graph. Choices are "bfs" or "dfs".

The type of images that should be saved; identical to the file extension
for that file type. "png" and "jpg" work, although other common file formats
are likely to work, too.

The number of images to generate.

The number of nodes in the random connected graphs generated.

The side length of a square cell in the image.

A color s given with RGB values. The color of vertex 1.

A color a given with RGB values.

Using the field operations of vector addition and scalar multiplication,
vertex i is assigned the color (s + (i - 1) * a) % 256, where the modulo
operation is defined component-wise on the vector.


Generate traversal groups of connected graphs.






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