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This project is composed of tools written in Python to process and display a set of point data in CSV format from HDFS. The processing is based on Spark, and the display on a desktop or on a web client is based on ArcPy.

Getting Started

Test Data

We will use the famous NYC Taxi trips as our test set. I love that data set, as it contains 2 spatial and temporal elements (pickup and drop-off locations, dates and times) and additional trip attributes such as the number of passengers and the trip time. A 1 million trip subset can be downloaded from here to be placed in your HDFS instance as follows:

sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -mkdir /trips
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chown root:hdfs /trips
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chmod a+rw /trips

yum -y install wget p7zip
7za e -so trips-1M.csv.7z | hadoop fs -put - /trips/trips-1M.csv

Mapping Prerequisites

The access to HDFS from a remote node will be performed through the Requests python module using the WebHDFS REST API.

To instantiate the Requests class from ArcGIS Desktop, make sure that your system environment variable PATH contains the ArcGIS folder and the Scripts sub-folder. For example:


Start a new CMD window as Administrator and execute:

pip2.7 install requests

To instantiate the Requests class from ArcGIS Server, make sure that your system environment variable PATH contains the ArcGIS folder and the Scripts sub-folder. For example:

  • Stop ArcGIS Server from the Services interface.

  • Start a new CMD window as Administrator and execute:

pip2.7 install requests
  • Modify your C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file to contain the Hadoop hostname. For example: cloudera.quickstart sandbox
  • Start ArcGIS Server from the Services interface.

The hosts modification is very important. When you want to read the content of a file in HDFS, you first connect to the NameNode and you request the location of the desired file. NameNode responds with the file URL on a DataNode, to which you connect to and you read the streaming data from the open connection. The response URL typically contains the name of the DataNode not its IP. The above mentioned hosts modification enables the host name resolving when using the sandbox or a cloud instance.

Mapping The Data

To view the trips on a map, we will extend Desktop with an ArcPy based toolbox to create an ephemeral in-memory feature class.

Create a folder connection to this project git clone to access the toolbox:

The Import Trips tools reads the content of the trips CSV file from HDFS and parses each row for lat/lon values at specific field indexes to create an in-memory feature class of the result.

The tools performs a local filter on all the retrieved rows where only the trips originating in an area around Manhattan are displayed on the map resulting to about 981,000 point features as pickup locations.

Share As GeoProcessing

The following are the steps to publish the Import Tool and the other included tools as a GeoProcessing services in an ArcGIS Server instance, in such that they can be consumed from a web application using the ArcGIS rest endpoint.

  • Edit the toolbox and set all the variables in_memory to False. This will save the resulting feature class in a scratch geodatabase workspace rather than in "in-memory" workspace. ArcGIS Server provides a runtime reference to a scratch geodatabase by reading the value of arcpy.env.scratchGDB. BTW, this will result in a perceivable performance degradation. On my machines, the process went from 45 sec to 1 min 24 sec. A solution (that I have to implement) is to save the features to an in-memory workspace and then perform a copy features to the scratch geodatabase.
  • Run the tool, and from the Results window, select Geoprocessing Service from the Share As menu item.

  • DO NOT Publish a Service. Save a service definition file instead. In addition, make sure to explicitly set the Description to all the items even if a description already exists. What I mean by this is that you have to explicitly type in something in the description field (type a dot at the end of the text if one exists).
  • Make sure to save the service definition to C:\temp folder or a folder with a very short name.
  • Check the option to view the results with a map service.

  • Publish the service definition using the ArcGIS Server Web Manager

Web Visualizing

The easiest way to view the result on the web is to use the ArcGIS Online WebApp Builder.

Locate the published GeoProcessing URL and use it to add A GeoProcessing Widget to the application header.

Data Aggregation

We have been displaying about 1 million points and that has been relatively tolerable. But what if we have billions of points or millions of files to scan in HDFS, then this becomes an "issue". Though some folks advocate that they need to see millions of dots on a map to highlight the absence of information as information, the following aggregation should assist in that matter too.

The simplest aggregation that we will undertake is binning. Imagine a virtual fishnet that is cast over the point space. All the points that fall into the same fishnet cell are aggregated together. What is returned is the set of populated fishnet cells and their associated aggregates. This tremendously reduces the size of the data to be visualized in what I term "Turning BigData into WebGIS Data", basically something digestible by a web client using ArcGIS1.

The binning processing will be performed using Spark.

Running the Spark Jobs

hadoop fs -rm -r -skipTrash /tmp/rowcol
 --master yarn\
 --executor-memory 512m\
 --num-executors 1\

The above job aggregates the point data based on square fishnet cells. The cell size is hardcoded to 0.001 degrees (Exercise for the reader to make cell size a program argument. Hint: use sys.argv) and the output is emitted to HDFS in the /tmp/rowcol folder.

hadoop fs -rm -r -skipTrash /tmp/rowcol
 --master yarn\
 --executor-memory 512m\
 --num-executors 1\

The above job aggregates the point data based on square fishnet cells. Unlike the previous job, the point coordinates are parsed and converted from WGS84 to WebMercator. The cell size is 100 meters and the output is emitted to HDFS in the /tmp/rowcol folder.

hadoop fs -rm -r -skipTrash /tmp/hex
 --master yarn\
 --executor-memory 512m\
 --num-executors 1\

The above job aggregates the point data based on hexagonal fishnet cells. The point coordinates are converted to WebMercator and aggregated based on 100 meter hexagonal cells and the output is emitted to HDFS in the /tmp/hex folder.

Web Visualizing Aggregated Results

To view the content of the files in hdfs:///tmp/rowcol, use the ImportPointDensityTool:

Execute the tool and Share As a Geoprocessing Service the result. Locate the Geoprocessing tool URL, and use it to add a new Geoprocessing widget to your application.

To view the content of the files in hdfs:///tmp/hex, use the ImportHexTool

Execute the tool and Share As a Geoprocessing Service the result. Locate the Geoprocessing tool URL, and use it to add a new Geoprocessing widget to your application.

Cloudera Docker Notes

Create a "machine" labeled quickstart using VirtualBox with 4 cores, 8GB of memory and 20GB of disk space.

docker-machine create\
 --driver virtualbox\
 --virtualbox-cpu-count 4\
 --virtualbox-memory 8192\
 --virtualbox-disk-size 20480\

Upgrade the machine to the latest docker instance.

docker-machine upgrade quickstart

Run the CDH image - This will start Zookeeper, HDFS, WebHDFS, YARN, Spark and other daemons. Note the -v option to share the VirtualBox created /Users shared folder and mount it as /Users in the container. In addition, all kind of ports are opened up (4040 for Spark, 8888 for HUE, 50070 for NameNode, 50075 for DataNode) to be accessed from the "outside". The machine IP can be retrieved using docker-machine ip quickstart.

eval $(docker-machine env quickstart)
docker run\
 -v /Users:/Users\
 -p 4040:4040\
 -p 7180:7180\
 -p 8088:8088\
 -p 8042:8042\
 -p 8888:8888\
 -p 50060:50060\
 -p 50070:50070\
 -p 50075:50075\
 -p 21050:21050\
 -t -i cloudera/quickstart:latest\


[1] I've been experimenting with WebGL and the new 4.0 JavaScript API for ArcGIS and we can now render tremendous amount of data in a web browser (as long as it can be quickly transferred from the server) - will have to post about that.


(Web)Mapping Elephants with Sparks







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